Chapter 10

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~ Harry's POV ~

I groaned as I lifted my head off the stairs in pain, got up and headed for the bathroom.

I winced in pain as I washed the blood on my skin off with a dampened cloth. I could barely move my right arm, and my head was spinning around in circles. As I washed over the blood on my skin, I notice I had a huge bruise on my stomach from the kick my dad had given me. There were purple patches and red marks on my wrist and arm from where my dad had grabbed me and dragged me into the house. My head was bruised and had grazes and scrapes and blood was dripping everywhere. There was some dry blood on my face and I wiped it off. I decided to go into the shower to make everything quicker and easier. I winced in pain as the warm water ran over my battered body.

*Flashback (that day after school)*

Finally, I'm almost home! Hoping my dad wasn't home, I walked towards my house. The door was already open for me, I'll be sure to thank my mum, assuming she's the one who left it open.

"Harry! Is that you?" I heard our neighbour call, Mrs. Arola.

"Yes..." I grunted. I forgot Mrs. Arola came home last night from her holiday in Hawaii.

"Sorry, what was that! My hearing is going a bit bad, old age and all!" She said.

"Yes!" I tried to sound more cheerful this time.

"Oh, goody! Come here, young lad!" She said.

Oh, isn't this gonna be fun.

I walked over to her front garden and admired her plants.

"Hi Mrs. Arola." I said.

"Hello Harry! And how many times must I tell you, call me Myrah! It's not like I'm your teacher." She laughed.

"Sorry...umm, so how are you?" I asked, unsure of why she called me in the first place.

"Oh, I'm fabulous! My holiday was amazing, got to see all of my family and relatives!"She replied cheerfully.

"That's good." I said.

Myrah sighed, then smiled, tears starting to form at the rims of her eyes.

"Are you alright, Myrah?" I checked.

She sighed again, "I'm fine, I just wish Sam was here to experience this all. He really did love the people back in Hawaii." A tear rolled down her cheek.

"I'm sure, wherever he is, he's happy for you and the people back in Hawaii, and he's watching over you." I smiled reassuringly.

"Thank you, Harry." She said.

"Oi, Harry!" Someone called out. I looked back and saw Gemma waiting for me at the door, "you're late enough, come inside!"

"Sorry Mrs. Aro- I mean Myrah, I have to go." I said.

"Ok, bye! And good luck with your sister." She chuckled.

"Thank you." I waved and walked off. Gemma wasn't at the door anymore.

"Harry!" Myrah called again.

Oh, deary me.

"Yes?" I said, turning around to face her, but kept walking backwards towards the open door.

"Be sure to drop by tomorrow, will you? I enjoyed talking to you today!" She said.

"Umm ok..." I said.

She smiled and went back inside. I stumbled over my feet and tripped, banging my head onto the steps and yelping out in pain.

Someone came rushing to the door. I looked up and it was Gemma, who was laughing.

"Why are you laughing!" I yelled, "I'm in pain, help me!"

She was still laughing, "Get...up...lazy!"

"Gemma! Please!" I cried.

"Oh, stop being a baby. It can't hurt that bad." She scolded.

"It does!"

"Oh alright, let me get dad. It's not like I can carry you." Gemma said, laughing.

After I took in what Gemma had said, I finally replied, "No, not dad! I'd rather get up myself." But it was to late. Dad was already standing there.

"Why not me? You don't appreciate what I do for you? I fucking provide you with a house, money, I keep you alive! Without me, you'd be dead! You little prick!" Dad shouted, grabbing me by the arm and dragging me up the stairs, my head hitting each step as I got dragged into the house.

I screamed in pain, "Dad please, I didn't mean it!"

"Yes you did! You don't care about anything I do for you! I haven't done anything to you, why should you treat me like this?! You ungrateful, childish boy!" My dad yelled, closing the door behind us but too quick to give me a chance to get up and run, if I'm able to run.

"Dad, please! I'm sorry!" I started to cry from the amount of pain.

"Shut up, you prick!" He shouted.

I could see blood on the carpet, and felt it dripping from my head. What's the use of me trying to stop him, he has power over me. My dad threw me onto the staircase and forcefully kicked me in the stomach. I groaned in pain and he left me lying there. I could faintly hear Gemma laughing, then a black out loomed over me.

*End of flash back*


I'm stuck on ideas to make it interesting so just bear with me for now please thank you <3 ~ Jena x

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 27, 2013 ⏰

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