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     Gerard awoke to the odd sound of buzzing. It was muffled, and he could feel the vibration more than hear it. The noise was still there and as he remembered, work. But that wasn't what he should be worried about. No, not after last night. He has so many things to fix. Looking down, he smiled, it reminded him of when Mikey would have nightmares and sneak into his bedroom as children. After reminiscing, he tried to move without waking his brother, it proved difficult however. Eventually as he wiggled his arms out, his head hit the table, "Shit!" Gerard whispered, he hissed. Just a great way to start off the day, remembering that night, having neck problems from sleeping under a table, later hitting his head under the table, his stupid alarm was still on, and... as his gaze shifted down he saw two hazel eyes returning his glare. "Hey buddy, sorry, I was trying to turn that damn alarm off." Receiving nothing he continued, "Do you mind moving to the couch?" Wordlessly, Mikey lazily stood and plopped on the couch, tucking his knees to his chin and hugged his arms around his middle. He wasn't expecting him to talk much today.

     After carefully making sure he wouldn't bump his head again, Gerard stood up, using the table to balance himself as the black dots danced along his vision. Dashing into his bedroom he turned off his clock and hid it under his pillow just to get rid of it. Sitting down he sighed, a long night with kinks in his back left the bed feeling thousands of times cozier than he left it. Resting his eyes for mere minutes he rose and walked down the hall to see his brother was in the same state he had left him in. Finally taking off his shoes, Gerard proceeded to walk up cautiously before kneeling in front of Mikey's face. "I know it's kind of early but maybe you want to get cleaned up?" Using his hand to tuck the younger's hair behind his ears. Usually this annoyed Mikey, so when all he did was bury his face deeper into the pillow he knew it was going to a bit more prodding than a simple request. "I can get you a cup of coffee? I know you always sneak some in the morning." Nothing. Staring at him was all he could do. He would wait as long as he needed, so he sat in front of the couch, he kept offering suggestions, but nothing was good enough bait. Eventually Mikey turned to face the wall and Gerard accepted it as resignation. Walking over to the phone he dialed his work, facing out the kitchen window he listened to the ringing, when someone finally picked up told them he had to look after his brother.

     The conversation was kept to a low tone, quietly explaining the situation the elder was granted as much time as he needed. Hanging up, he turned from the window noticing something. Mikey. His impression was still on the couch but there was no emotionally drained brother left. "Mikey?" he said, voice still quiet from the phone call. Increasing his volume as he made his way around the apartment, "Mikey?" Stopping a few feet from the bathroom he heard the off-beat pattern of shower water. Not wanting to disturb his sibling's privacy he walked back to the living room and sat on the still warm couch. Gripping his hands into his hair he leaned forward, crying in a way that he couldn't even speak. It's after reached the end of gasping, and the word no stays on his lips but the words won't come out, and he needs to be silent, Mikey couldn't hear how much his wall of support could crumble so quickly. But he didn't know what else Mikey was doing, the shower is a great place to cry, all of the evidence gets wiped away the second you step out, and any noise is overpowered. Leaving the mess of a new recruit alone to try and regain stability.

     It was amazing how much the two were alike, a wall apart, both having separate breakdowns over the same thing, but neither will mention it, because they both want the other to know they can have a strong counterpoint.  


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