Chapter 1

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I'm kind of nervous of what you guys will think of my 1st story (I made my first story already, but I felt like it was too depressing so I deleted it, but for me this is my 1st story). The picture is her outfit if you didn't know.

I'm moving. My mom decided to take a job in California. I grew up in New York, but I'm kind of excited to go to California to be honest. I can't wait to go to California.

It's not like I'm going to lose anyone or anything.

I know you guys are thinking, Don't you have friends? To answer that question no I don't have friends. I didn't really need "friends" who stabs you in the back. I was better with me, myself, and I.

Right now I'm packing all of my things, but stopped when I heard a knock on my huge door.

"Come in." I said happily.

"Hey, my beautiful daughter." My mom said sweetly. I already knew she was going to ask for something or give me bad news.

"Hey, my beautiful mother." I mocked her and then asked her "What do you need or what's the bad news?"

She put her puppy dog face and said "Today is the last night we will be here so can I cancel those things we were going to do and go out with my friends or do you want me to stay with you?"

Ding! Ding! Ding! I knew that she would ditch me to go out with her friends.

I was upset, but then I remembered that it was going to be her last day here with her friends and I would see her everyday.

"Go have fun, you crazy animal." I said laughing and started dancing like a monkey.

She started laughing and said "How did I get so lucky to have you as a daughter? Thank you beautiful daughter of mine."

"I don't know. Maybe the birds delivered me to the wrong house."

"No. I'm sure you." she pointed at me, still laughing. "Came out of a monkeys butt."

"Hey! I don't look like a monkey!" I yelled.

"Oh I know you don't look like a monkey, but you sure as hell dance like one." she said skipping out of my room to her room, which is across from mine.

I was walking to her room, but she shut the door.

"Hey let me in!" I yelled, knocking on the door. "I need to help you get ready or else your going to go out with your friends looking like a hobo."

She opened the door and said "I'm an adult. I can dress myself. Thank you very much." she was about to close the door, but stopped to say "Go finish packing I will order pizza on my way out."

I ran to my room when I heard that I was going to get pizza. I heard my mom laughing and shut the door.

*2 hours passed*

I was almost finished packing when I heard someone knocking on the front door.

That must be the Pizza man or women. Whatever at least I'm getting some pizza.

I got up. "I'm coming!" I yelled through the hall. I grabbed the money on the table and ran to the door.

I opened the door and grabbed the pizza box out of the mans hand and threw the money at him.

"Keep the change." I said shutting the door in his face. I heard him cursing through the door.

I started laughing sitting down on the dinning room table with my pizza.

I grabbed my first slice and looked at it for a minute.

"It's only you and I tonight." Then I stuffed it in my mouth.

After I finished my box of pizza. And yes I ate the whole box. I went to finish my packing and fell asleep on the floor.

"WAKE UP!" My mom yelled in my ear.

"Let me sleep women." I told her and she left.

Wonder where that cra-

I was cut off from thinking, with a big bang noises.

I jumped up and yelled.

I turn to look at my mom with two pots that she continue to smack together yelling "I didn't get no sleep cause of y'all, so y'all not get no sleep cause of me."

She stopped when she saw me glaring at her. She smiled innocently and said "hi."

"First, I did let you sleep your the one that's not letting me sleep and second, you have 10 seconds to leave before this beautiful daughter of yours turn into an ugly daughter." I said trying to be as nice as I could, before I kill her if she didn't leave.

"Adios." She said then left.

I got up and grabbed my clothes that I put out last night and my towel and headed to the bathroom to take a cold shower.

I finished drying up and putting my underwear and bra on. I grabbed my light blue skinny jeans and shirt. I blow dried my hair and put it up in a messy bun.

I went back to my room and grabbed my necklace and watch and put it on. I put my socks and converse on and grabbed my polka dot bag and sunglasses and walked out my room.

"Finished." I said tiredly.

"Finally. It took you forever. I thought we were going to miss our flight." She said dramatically. "By the way the moving truck is coming in 10 minutes so we got to get out of there way so they can take things down."

"Okay. Let's go." I said walking out the door while she looks around the house one more time.

I was waiting in the car listening to music when she came outside and started to talk to the moving truck people.

When she finish talking to them she got in the car and said "Goodbye beautiful home that I will never see again."

"I think you meant to say crappy home." I said laughing.

She glared at me. "It's beautiful to me."

She started the car and pulled out the garage and started driving to the airport.

We got to the airport and went through all of the security and passport stuff. We finally got on the airplane. I sat down and closed my eyes.

Cali. Here I come.

Guys comment, vote, message me, or whatever. I want to know your opinion on this story. Love y'all.

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