Chapter four

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This chapter is dedicated to @BabyBeccaBoo she inspired/told me to update. You guys should read her book Hopeless, and then read its sequel Players Mate. They are really, really, really good. But read her books! Let me know what you think about this chapter and if I should keep going. Oh sorry for not updating sooner but I have been busy and dealing with ALOT of stuff lately. And cause I keep reading other people's books. Haha well here's the chapter.-Jackie

Ps I changed Luna to Jackie Cause I realized it's gunna get confusing so sorry if that confuses anyone. So I'm also sorry for any mistakes I haven't edited it yet. And it's kinda 3:53 in the morning and haven't gotten any sleep so yeah. Anyways...

Follow @BabyBeccaBoo read her books and vote. Ok now here's the chapter!


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I go get ready for our date. I put on my swim trunks and a black tank top. I grab my phone and keys and make my way to my black mustang. I get in, buckle up, and start the car. I pull out of the driveway and drive to Jackie's house. I can't wait to see her. I'm practically bouncing outta my seat to be next to her. I hope tonight goes well. It better go well this is my first date, my first date with my girl, my mate.

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I sit on the sofa and watch Ridiculousness. I love that show. It is hilarious. I look at my phone and go on Facebook while i somewhat keep watching the tv. I look up and start dying of laughter because of what I just saw. I looked at my phone, it read 4:50 pm. So I shut off the tv, grabbed my stuff and walked out onto my front porch and sit on the swing and wait. I was looking at my Facebook news feed and swinging on the swing to pass the time. Hoping it would make the time fly by.

Omg. Not again my news feed is blown up with angry pictures and angry statuses and angry posts. Ugh this is what happens when people are stupid and get into fights. Like "why the f*** are you flirting with my bf!" Or "I didn't do that! Leave me the f*** alone! God I mess up once and I get yelled at by 20 people!" Ect... People these days, they need to get a life, and they need to stop moping around. but you know what I'm not even going to bother with it. I check the time 4:52 pm. Daymmm this can't go by any slower. Just as I think I can't get more bored than I am, my phone vibrates. I see who it is. I got a text from Becca. My best friend. We have been Best friends since we could sit up by ourselves. And lemme tell you, I'd take a bullet for this girl. She ALWAYS has and ALWAYS will have my back just like I have and will ALWAYS have. I unlock my phone and read it.

"Heyyy!!! -Becca<3"

"Hi! -Jackie<3"

"Guess what! -Becca<3"

"Chicken butt lol what Becca? -Jackie<3"

"Haha very funny. Lol I'm coming to Bridge Wood! I will be there in a few days. -Becca<3"

"Really?!?!?! -Jackie<3"

"Yeah. The only thing is is that I was wondering if I could crash at your house well I'm there? Cause Yanno mom and dad won't get here for a few weeks after me. Cause they gotta finish some things at work and stuff. -Becca<3"

"Sure you can! you know your alays welcomed in our house. Errr I can't wait! Everything has been so different with out you, I miss you. Errr I'm so excited now! More than I was already! -Jackie<3"

"So what's up? -Becca<3"

"Oh you know, school, un packing, making new friends, oh and I may have found my mate, and I may or may not be going on a date with him tonight... -Jackie<3"

"You found your mate?!?!?! When were you gunna tell me? What's he like? What's his name? What does he look like? How long have you known? Where are you guys going? Is he a a paranormal or human? Errrrrr Jackie I'm so happy for you! When I get there you better spill, ps I wanna meet him! -Becca<3"

"Yes. I was gunna tell you soon, I was actually gunna text you afterwards. He's... well how do I put this he's just perfect. His name is Asher, Asher Derek Rideback. You can see him when you get here lol. Yes he a paranormal, he is a werewolf. But Becca I really gotta go now he's gunna be here any second. I will talk to you later. Bye luv ya girl<3. -Jackie<3"

"Ok! Luv you too girl<3! Ttyl. Have fun! Bye see you in a couple days! -Becca<3"

I put my phone away just as Asher pulls in. Have I mentioned I love his car and I plan on getting on just like it once I get my license in a few weeks. I stop swinging and grab my stuff. I get up and make my way towards his car. He got out and met me half way up the drive way, and he walked me to my side of the car, then he opened and shut my door. I buckle up as he gets in and shuts the door.

"Wow! You look more amazing than you always do I never thought you could get any better since your already perfect. Boy was I wrong." He said looking at me, making me blush as red as a strawberry.

"Thanks! You do too." I said back, still blushing like fool. Oh well.

He chuckled. "Thanks. And your welcome. You ready?" He asked with a smirk.

"Yup!" I told him as he pulled out the driveway towards our date.

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