Chapter 3

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It's finally the weekend, my dad is asleep, mom is downstairs watching T.V, and I'm locked in my room on my phone...Perfect!
What makes my life even better is the fact that me and my friends are going out tonight to this new sushi restaurant called Choci's.

Buzz. Buzz.

The song Stitches by Shawn Mendes plays. I don't know why I still haven't changed my ringtone...I guess its because of how catchy his song is.

"Hay Lexiiiii, are you ready for the time of your life?"

"Jada we are only going to a restaurant which is like less than ten minutes away".

"You know I worry about you, you take things way too serious....your no fun"

Jada is my twin, even though we are like completely different we are the exact same. Which is crazy but we just get each other.

"Ha. I'm pretty sure I'm more worried about you than you are me."

"What?....ANYWAYS, me and Yazmine wanted to know what time we should go.

" I thought we agreed on 1 o'clock? "

"Oh yea...ok byeeee"

I swear I truly do worry about her.


"This place isn't all that great"

"Eh cut them some slack Yaz" I whisper behind a menu.

Me and Yazmine are pretty close, she was my like my first friend back in sixth grade, we did everything together.....ahhhhh memories.

While me and Yazmine are having our conversation Jada is on her phone stalking guys on Instagram which is not new at all.

"HI, welcome to Choci's I'm"....

" OMG, you scared the mess out of me"

"Kayla?" I choke out while giving Yazmine and Jada sharp looks.

I don't exactly know if they know that I kinda have a bad feeling about her.

"Oh hey Alexis... Yazmine and Jada, can I get you guys someting to drink?"

Yazmine gets what I'm trying to say, "yea can you get us all sweet teas with a side of lemon?"

"Sure" she calls while she walks away.

"AWE but I wanted a lemonade"

"Oh well" snaps Yazmine.

"Well dang" grumbles Jada

I look down at my menu only to look right back up at Kayla.

"Here you guys go, are you guys ready to order?"

I speak up, "yea can I have the order of the fukusa sushi, and that would be all for me".

"I'll take the California roll"

"Lemme get your Philadelphia sushi roll" Jada says without looking up from her phone.


I look down at my plate, I never exactly had Fukusa sushi so I'm kinda iffy, I mean it looks good but what if Kayla spit in it or better yet poisoned it....

"Alexis stop looking at your food, its not going to fly into your mouth".

"Whatever you say Jada, you never know....maybe it will" I say while smirking.

I take a bite....tastes good, and no hint of spit or poison.
My lucky day.

After we all finished eating, the three of us had small talk about random things like about school and how weird Kaleb looked with his newly cut hair....and more.

"Thank you for eating at Choci's, your total is $28.37.

"I got it" Yazmine says will taking out her card.

"Thank you, I will be right back"

"I got the tip, I got cash on me"

Frankly I'm quite glad Jada offered to pay the tip because I am not in the mood to be paying Kayla anything but a few mints...ok that was kinda mean but you get the point.

"See you guys at school" Kayla calls as we walk out the door.

I won't be eating here again anytime soon... not while my sercret enemy works here.

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