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I'm flipping out I'm sweating like crazy and breathing really hard Ross is over here trying to calm me down and it's really working then Andrew ran upstairs and said that cops were on there way Ross said is it Zack Chandler is it Zack I need to know YES IT IS I cries. Why would he be after you b-b because I ran away from him and he wants me dead! I was crying really hard Chandler you knew not to do that.


I screamed YOU OUT OF ALL PEOPLE SHOULD KNOW NOT TO MESS WITH HIM. He looked at me he quietly said I know but he killed my dad JUST TO KEEP ME I GOT THE FUCK AWAY FROM HIM! He said back. Chandler were is your mom she will know how to get rid of him he killed her to he said. Great the cops show up and we hear a pound bang and they knock on the door they had said they had shot him we were all relived!


I was so happy that they shot him and he is now gone! We don't have to deal with it anymore. Me and Chandler were going to bed. Today was the first time I noticed that Chandler has a v line! It was so hot. What wait what am I thinking I should not even think that way but he is just so hot.

A/N: what do y'all think is gonna happen

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