*Dedicated to @PleaseDontStart because you called a friend who was a guy read him the last chapter and he liked it. Girl you are amazing all guys except 3 I know hate 1D -.- But you got a guy to read my sotry your so awesome! And the fact it was 3am xD
-Lynne's POV-
Today was the day, I had to tell my family, Zayn's family, all the boys that me and Zayn were having a baby together. I got up out of bed and first thing that hit me; Morning sickness. I ran to the bathroom and puked, Zayn ran in after me and rubbed my back and holding my hair back. When everything was out I took out my toothbrush from my suit case, I brushed my teeth getting the terrible taste out of my mouth. When the taste was finally out I got up and went in to the lounge part of our hotel room. All the boys were just chilling out on the couches watching morning cartoons. We sat there when suddenly I was craving oreo's. I got up and went to Niall's room quietly. I checked around his stuff know he had a stash here, I finally found the duffel bag in the closet full of snack. I snickered and cheered silently when I found the box of Oreo. Yeah you know what I have cravings and Niall always has a bag full of shit I found that out when he came to Bradford when I met him. Damn that was so long ago, but I loved those days, all the sweet dates me and Zayn went on. I left Niall's room quickly and went to sit down beside Zayn cuddling in to his side. Zayn lifted his eyebrow as he watched me open the oreo's, I nodded towards Niall then towards my stomach. He erupted in laughter making everyone look at us as I munched out on Niall's oreo's. Niall looked at me and his eyes widened knowing they were his oreo's I was eating.
"MY OREOS!!!!!!!!" Niall screamed.
"Sorry. I got hungry... I'll buy you more?" I said smiling sheepishly.
"No give them back!" Niall yelled again.
I pouted at him as I handed him back the box of oreo's he looked at me and groaned handing me back the box. I cheered and continued munching down on the delicious cookies.
"You guys have to be ready by six. We have dinner reservations at 6:30." I said smiling.
"Do we get to figure out why were here?" Harry asked.
"Yup. So be ready!"
He nodded, it was already 5, yeah I know the day went by pretty quickly, yeah it did when we watched movie after movie after movie. I got up and went to the bathroom and jumped in the shower quickly so Zayn could take one too. When I got out I slipped on my black lace panties and matching lace bra. I grabbed my white skirt that had a black belt with a bow on it, I grabbed my black ruffled shirt. I put them on.(Outfit on side) I went back to the bathroom which Zayn was know in as he took a shower. I grabbed the blow dryer and dried my hair then waved it slightly and put it to the side. I did my make up quickly. By the time everyone was ready it was six o'clock and our ride was here. We got in and headed to the restaurant my mom had made a reservation at, she invited Zayn's family too and they said they'd be there. When we got to the restaurant I told them my moms name and they brought us to the table. Everyone was already there chatting away happily. We all took our seat I was beside Adrianna (A/N: Lynne's little sister) and Zayn. We were all chatting when my phone began ringing, I slid the unlock button then put it to my ear.
(L=Lynne/ D=Dr. Smith)
L: Hello?
D: Hello miss Rose, it's Dr. Smith.
L: Oh hello!
D: Well miss Rose I just noticed in your test well you're hormone level was higher then it usually should be when you're pregnant.
D: No I promise it's nothing bad. It just makes me pleased to tell you, you're pregnant with twins miss Rose.
L: Uh-uh thank you sir..
D: Yeah so I'll expect to see you in a week and a half for you're ultrasound. Have a good evening miss Rose.
L: Yeah of course, you too sir.
I sat there in shock. Twins? I was having damn twins!!! Everyone at the table was staring at me confused, I blushed remembering I yelled at Dr.Smith. I looked up sheepishly and laughed.
"What was that babe?" He asked confused.
"Well I guess most of you are wondering why we came to Bradford suddenly and invited all of you to dinner. Well me and Zayn have an annocment and we wanted everyone together so we could tell you guys."
"YES WE FINALLY GET TO KNOW!!!!" Harry yelled.
"Shut it Styles! Well we're happy to tell you I'm pregnant..." I said.
"Oh my gosh!!! Really baby!!!! I'm so happy for you!!!!" My mom yelled happily.
"I'm gonna be a grandma!!! Oh that's great news!!!!" Zayn's mom said happily.
"WAIT WAIT... Well uh that phone call well this is new news to Zayn and all of you... Well I'll be having twins..." I said nervously.
"I'm gonna be an auntie!!!!!! YAY!!!!" My little sister Adrianna yelled.
"Twins? Oh goshers that's exciting I'm so happy for you guys!!!" Zayn's mom said.
"TWINS!!!!! We're having two babies???" Zayn said shocked.
I nodded at Zayn he smiled and kissed me.
"Louis calm down. Congrats guys!!" Liam said happily.
"Uncle Niall's gonna spoil those little buggers!!!" Niall said happily.
"That's so cool!! If it's a boy can he be called Harry!!!!!" Harry asked.
"No he'll be named after me!!!" Liam protested.
"My babies are not getting named after any of you idiots." Zayn said chuckling.
"RUDE!" Harry yelled.
Everyone talked as we talked about all the babies and stuff and baby names that we liked. We were torn between Emily or Rosie and for boys Noah or Jordan. After we all finished dinner and we were back at the hotel we all went to bed cause we were exhausted.
600+ votes and 200+ comments for next chapter <3
*You guys kept naming plot twists. Most of you said Lynne was gonna have a mmiscarriage. NO!!! That's just no :'( not happening!!!!! Ugh I could never do that to an innocent baby! Even if it's in a story!! *insert cries* Oh god I just can't no. SO they're having twins!!!! yay!!!! Most of you guys asked even though I knew she was having twins from the beginning :P You weirdos are so amazing!!! I love you all I'm at #26 on the Fan fic list :D OMG Let's make it to #1!!!!! Tell all your friends about this and all that!!! Okay well you all ask me to read your stories well if you truly want me to read your story dedicate a chapter to me cause then I'm forsure to noice it. OMG READ THE STORY Shelter by elenataylor17 this girl is only 11 and is writing an amazing story, it's sad not many people readi it tho :( read it now though it's amazing. About aliens and how 74% of humans were wipped off by the 'invaders' it's a One Direction fan fic and I made the cover btw. Ever need a cover I'll always help you out :D I love making covers. Well I'll write the next updae soon!!!! :D
Follow me on tumblr: ourcanadiandirectionerthings.tumblr.com
Instagram: @_beautiful_imagination_
Twitter: @TheLynneRose

It all started with a Kik (Watty Awards 2014)
FanfictionOfficial Trailer: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gEWJW9cJiNw&feature=youtu.be Ordinary girl? She used to be. Lynne Rose used to have a normal life, directioner, soon to be starting university. Until a certain dark eyed boy came into her life and fl...