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Tipoca City, Kamino
CT-3789 Cadet "Greaves"

"Tango on the left!"
"Two more on the right!"
"I'm hit!"
"Stay put, I'll get to you!"

    Today was a training day, and like many days, Vector squad, in their orange marked simulation gear, was having trouble in their battle simulation. They hadn't even made it half way through the sim before things started to fall apart. So far, they were pinned down behind a barricade with a squad of Super battle droids approaching fast.

"Man, this is bad..." Thought CT-3789, well aware that they were doomed to fail.

Even so, he gripped his DC-15A and readied himself for a rush to one of his wounded squad-mates, as he was the squad medic.

He steadied his breath, and broke from cover, sprinting to left. CT-3789 slid to cover beside the wounded soldier CT-2609,or "Atom", if you believe in callsigns.

"Atom, where did you get hit?" Asked 3789
"Right shoulder, I can't move it. Just go on with out me."
"Don't even think about it!"
And with that, CT-3789 holstered his DC15A, pulled out his DC17, and threw Atom's bad arm over his shoulder.
"On three we break towards the rest of our squad, got it Atom?" Ordered CT-3789.
"I got it 3789, and you need a call-sign."
"I'll consider it when we get through this sim!" Replied 3789

CT-3789 glanced at Atom."On three! 1......3!" The pair of soldiers made their way back to the group.

    As they returned to the group a set of orders came through the coms.
"Push towards the citadel whilst flanking left, c'mon boys, nearly there." Were the orders from ARC trooper Stryther.

"CT-3789, what were you thinking?!"exclaimed CT-4729
"Helping a brother, Arclight!"replied CT-3789

    Arclight looked over at CT-3789, then fired his DC-15S at the oncoming droids.
"Couldn't this sim get any worse?"complained Ozone.
At that moment, the squad of clones saw three droidekas rolling towards them.
"Atom! Toss me a popper!" Yelled CT-3789, and Atom complied by tossing with his left arm, the grenade almost sailed wide of CT-3789's reach, but he caught it by his fingertips.
"Popper out!"
The combat seasoned senses of CT-3789 translated in to a perfect toss of the droid popper, taking out most of the super battle droids.
"Nice toss 3789, an ARC couldn't have thrown a better one!" appraised Atom, blind firing over the piece of cover the clones were situated behind. The marksman in the squad chose this time to speak up.
"Guys, how are we going to push to the citadel?" Asked CT-4211
    It was at this moment that CT-3789 took charge."We move up the left flank, as the orders said, take out the droids in the towers, advance carefully through the rest of the droids, take out the wall mounted canons, then grapple to the top of the citadel, is that clear, Ghille?!"
"Yeah 3789."came as a reply to this order.

As the battle continued though, it seems that CT-3789's plan wasn't the best one, as almost thirty seconds later, the squad lost Atom from the sim because of a well entrenched turret.
"ATOM!!" Was CT-3789's cry as Atom fell limply to the ground, then fell Vell, Blackjack, Ozone, and CT-4211.Now it was only CT-3789 left.
"Think, think, think...."CT-3789 muttered to himself. Then he got an idea, and snatched one of his fallen comrade's DC-17 pistol and dual wielded them. Then he took off in a run, shooting at the oncoming and pursuing droids. CT-3789 got once on his right leg and once on the greaves of his armour, but kept on running. Soon he reached the citadel wall and prepped his ascension cable with one hand, and shot at the approaching droids with the other. as he scaled the wall the droids kept on shooting at him, but he made it to the top, and just when he was about to grab the flag, he got shot by a simulation commando droid.
"Dammit!" Exclaimed CT-3789 as his armour locked up.

    As the cadets made their was back to barracks, ARC trooper Stryther appeared in the doorway.
"May I have a word with CT-3789 please."
"Yes sir, Stryther sir." Replied CT-3789.

    Stryther lead CT-3789 away from the barracks in to a dimly lit room.
"What I want to talk about is your simulation, cadet."
"Sir I know I shouldn't have left my squad ma-"
Stryther held up a silencing hand.
"I know what you did during your battle simulation, and I would like to say it was the stupidest, most hare brained plan, and worst possible plan in that situation, and I haven't seen anything like that since when I was a cadet, because I thought of exactly the same plan."
"Sir, I don't know what to say..." Said CT-3789
"You don't have to say anything, Greaves."
"Greaves, sir?" asked CT-3789, questioningly.
"Yes 'Greaves', that is your nickname from now on." Replied Stryther.
Stryther continued speaking,"Now, before you go, I would like to invite you for some special one-on-one training after meals with me, and if you do well enough, I might even take interest in your whole squad."
    Greaves was astounded at this news, his squad, trained by an ARC? It seemed too good to be true. And as he walked back to his barracks, he thought about all of the possibilities that could face Vector squad in the future. "Well, let's see how things pan out."

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 21, 2015 ⏰

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