Chapter 1

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  Nothing could have really prepared me for the utter shock that came that summer in Gravity Falls. Everything in my life was boring and tedious since the day I was born up until that point. Even in my family's fortune and the so called "perfect" life I was born into, I wasn't happy with anything. All my friends were fake, and the whole town was only pretending to adore me. That is, until she came along. That girl and her paranoid twin brother came into my town and they changed everything. It started when she met my hostile words with friendly responses, and she put herself in a situation of competition with me.

I had never been in a situation like this, where I could actually end up losing. I couldn't let myself fail, not with the rules set by my parents, Losing meant dissapointment, and I just couldn't possibly handle that anymore. So, I did what I had too and I won. At first, I was content in my victory, but when I saw her meet her defeat with laughter and joy, I was absolutely flabbergasted. Why was it that her failure recipricated praise, whereas my accommplishment only had sadness. I didn't know how to react, so I just tried to ignore it.

I remembering going home and telling my parents about what had happened in hopes of some form of praise. But unsurprisingly, all their compliments were backhanded and doubled as commands to be better next time. They always found a way to disguise their hurtful words with fake and manipulative pet names. "sweetie" and "darling" had no meaning to me anymore.

Then it happened once more. Mabel Pines challenged me and I once again was in a position where I could lose. This time, howver, the expierience became something out out of a fairy tale. And yet, even when my life had been put in danger, I found that I had actually enjoyed myself. Once again, Mabel had introduced me to a new feeling, though this one was positive. Of course, the second I returned home, the good emotion was replaced with the anxious and on edge state that I had become accustomed to. I had never questioned anything in my family until now. Was the way they treated me not as normal as I assumed? These questions were truly daunting and cary to way of thinking had completely warped. I no longer wished to live in the repetitive way that I had been until now.

The next day, I had one of the servents drive me to the lesser known places of Gravity Falls, where I explored to stranger shop. Needless to say, the poor shop owners were shocked to see me. They all seemed to be afraid that I was going to shut them down or something. I was bitter, but I tried my best not to be mean. I bought something from each place, as well as a tip for them to not mention I had been there. After all, I'd do anything to make sure my parents didn't find out.

While I was looking in the stranger stores- he seemed to only sell rocks-a familiar face walked through the doors. Mabel, yet again, was in my presence. The second she came in, my heart stopped. If she saw me, she'd surely tell everyone, and eventually word would travel to my father. I tried to hide my face, but it was of no use.

"Pacifica!!" Mabel called out to me, excitement in her voice. "Pacifica, it's me!!" She ran up to me and put her hand on my shoulder. I jerked away.

"Oh, uh," I faltered. "Yeah, uh...I didn't see you come in." My lie was painfully apparent, because I had been caught off guard. Mabel didn't bring it up, to my relief.

"What are you doing here?" She asked the question with a general curiosity, and not with the nervous hostility that the shop owner had delivered within thhis voice. "This is one of my favorite places!"

"I was...uh..." I began, frantically searching my mind for a decent excuse. "I was just looking for something."

"Oh. Well, it's really cool to see you here!" Mabel chimed in response, following it with a cheeky grin. I had no clue what to say.

"Uh..thanks. too." My reply was clumsy and slow. I sighed. "Mabel...could you maybe like, not tell anyone I was here?" I looked down awkwardly.

"Oh, sure!" Mabel said. "Um, why though?" I looked back up at her.

"I don't want my dad to know." I answered honestly, since she was being so kind to me. "He's be really upset."

"He would? That's not very fair..." Mabel told me. "I mean, it's just a fun little shop, right?" I just let out a small sigh and shrugged.

"I...I should go." I said suddenly. "I'll uh....see you around." Before I could leave, Mabel grabbed my arm.

"Wait!" She shouted. Mabel coughed and let go of my arm. "Sorry...but, do you maybe want to come hang out with me?" I'm sure that she could see the dumbstruck expression that came on my face by the way she giggled softly. I thought for several moments. Finally, I dropped the stupid face I was pulling.

"I...guess so." I replied coolly. "Now?" She nodded eagerly. I found a smile had appeared on my face and I let out an awkward chuckle. I felt...cofortable for once. I wasn't pretending anymore. I was

"Ooh, I know the perfect place!" Mabel said in a sing-song voice. "You'll adore it!" She led me outside and started taking me up a path I'd never been.

"When did you find this trail...?" I asked, looking around. How long had this been here without my knowing?

"I'm not sure!" Mabel responded. "Just one day while I was exploring I guess!" We started walking uphill and I wondered where she could possibly be leading me. Soon enough, we reached the top and my breath hitched when I saw it. We were greeted with a huge, beautiful view of alarge field full of the most colorful flowers I'd ever seen. I had to gasp and stare in amazement at this wonderful sight that had just been under my nose...just hidden from my view all this time I lived here.

"Mabel...this is beautiful!" I exclaimed, smiling wider than I ever had before. Mabel seemed to be overjoyed by my cheer. She jumped up and down and laughed.

"I'm so glad you like it!" Mabel said, eyes sparkling with joy. She lightly took my hand and carefully brought me down the hill to the field. I smiled like an idiot and leaned down, picking a flower and admiring it. I couldn't tell you why I was acting so carefree. I almost never acted so immature, but I just couldn't stop myself from allowing my childlike wonder shine through in my behavior. Mabel chuckled and grabbed my hands. "I really like seeing you so happy!" She told me, bouncing on her heels slightly.

"It's just so pretty!" I replied. "I can't believe this was here, and I just didn't know." Mabel gave me a warm smile.

"You've just gotta start looking! There's stuff like this all over the place." She said with a pat on my shoulder. "Hey, if you sit down, I'll braid flowers into your hair! You'll look amazing!" I hesitated, but sat down and let her take my hair into her hands. Mabel started to mess with my hair and I smiled at the feeling. This was just so...pleasent. I didn't understand why. I had never had a real friend until now. "Why don't you act like this all the time, Pacifica?" Mabel asked me. The questioned shocked me, and I had to pause to really think about it.

"I...I don't know." I answered. "Probably cause I'm not supposed to."

"Pacifica..." Mabel replied. "Yes you are. You're supposed to act like yourself." I sighed.

"Not around my dad, I'm not." My voice was quieter now. "He wants me to act proper.

"Do you want that?" She questioned.

"No, but-"

"Then don't. You should do what you think is right." Mabel's voice was gentle and kind. My mind was scattered by the idea of acting like this around my parents.

"Look, it's not that easy!" I snapped, finding that I had become a bit annoyed. After all, Mabel could never understand what it's like to have parents like mine...and she couldn't act like it was really all that simple.

"Don't get angry..." She responded calmly. "I know it isn't, but try. For your own benefit." Mabel stood up suddenly. "Done!" She gasped and qsquealed cheerfully. "You look great!!" I blinked and turned my head to look at my hair. Flowers were laced through it, and I rather enjoyed how it looked.

"Oh wow...I love it, Mabel." I said. "Th-Thank you." I looked up at the sky. "Oh boy...I think it's getting dark. We shuld go."

"Yeah, ok." Mabel replied. "Thanks for hanging out with me, Pacifica. I had fun" I smiled back at her.

"Me too, Mabel."  

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 21, 2015 ⏰

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