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💕 Bailey  💕

December, 31st

"Ashton...Ash...Hey Ash wake up." I quietly whisper in his ear, shaking him gently.

"Huh?" He mumbles, eyes still closed.

"It's almost twelve, I'm not spending new years alone." I chuckle. "I need you to wake up for just a little bit"

"Bai we've almost been on this plane for 18 hours, I just want to rest."

I pout crossing my arms like a child. "Please Ashton? It'll be twelve in like" I look down at my phone. "Six minutes, can you hang in for six minutes? Everyone else on the plane is up and ready to celebrate!"

He groans rubbing his eyes, sitting up slowly. "Fine, I'll wake up"

"Yay okay!" I cheer clapping my hands together. "I'm going to get Calum, and Kenz. Turn on the little tv, I'll be right back" I swiftly get up from my seat, moving a couple rows back finding my siblings. "Hey sleepy heads" I grin seeing the two nearly asleep. "Do you want to see the ball drop together?"

"Yeah" Calum yawns. "Just give us a second, we'll be up there."

"Alright hurry!" I walk back to my seat looking at the tv, seeing there's just a few minutes left. "So I guess you'll be being my new years kiss huh?" I smile looking at Ashton.

"I guess so" his raspy, tired voice says, his lips forming into a smirk.

"I don't think I've ever told you this, but you have a really hot morning voice." I blush.

He looks me down smugly "Yeah? I guess I'll have to be tired more often"

"You're such a loser." I laugh.

"Bailey I'm so sleepy" I turn to see Mckenzie climbing onto the empty seat next to me.

"Welcome to the club love"

"She wouldn't be, if she would've went to sleep when I told her to." Calum huffs picking her up, and sitting down with her in his lap. He has dark circles under his eyes, and his hair is a mess.

"Nayeli isn't going to watch?" I ask crossing my legs.

He rubs his eyes shaking his head. "No the baby's kicking and she's in a lot of pain, she said she just wants some alone time."

"Is she going to be able to make it through the tour? With all of the busses and planes?"

"I hope so, if not I don't know what I'm going to do. Whether we want it or not, this baby is coming during the tour."

"It's so crazy to think about." I whisper astonished. "My big Brothers going to be a dad"

"Indeed he is." He smiles nodding. "I want to give this kid the world, like I wish I could've done for you."

"You gave me everything I needed Calum, don't ever forget it."

"Thanks Bai...it means a lot."

"It's starting!" Mckenzie cheers bouncing up and down. The host talks for a moment until the clock starts ticking down from 10. The entire plane begins to count down in unison, everyone seeming to be filled with joy.

"5...4...3...2...1...Happy New Year!" I can't help but smile at moments like these, it's truly just beautiful seeing everyone come together to have a good time, even on a plane.

I feel my head being turned to the side, to face Ashton. "Happy New Year shrimp" He whispers connecting my lips with his. His soft inviting lips make butterflies form in my chest, every kiss with Ashton just seems to get better. He pulls away, and looks at me, then straight ahead again.

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