Roc's Talk

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Roc: baby why didn't you tell me

Kay: I thought you would've left me

Roc: so you was gone try and end you and my baby's life how selfish was that

Kay: baby were young and I'm not ready for all that I thought you were just like other guys I didn't wanna regret having a baby with another jerk no I never got knocked up by anyone but I'm just saying everybody I dated has been jerks and (stars crying ) I'm just scared to give my heart to someone so special to me I never wanna let you go and if we break u-

Roc: never we never breaking up you're mine okay? No matter if we have 10 15 kids IDC

Kay: baby you have a whole life ahead and I know you're not gonna stay with me forever

Roc: okay since forever doesn't exist to you we'll kick it till whenever I got you baby

Kay: Im sorry i didn't tell you baby

Roc: its okay I know how you feel

Kay : I think we should take a break

Roc: what the hell Kayla why

Kay: because I don't know why but I feel so insecure right now I just want you to be clear about who you want to be with I did you dirty and you deserve more

Roc: I deserve you and everything you have to offer all relationships aren't perfect but only the real ones stay together

Kay ; I know baby but just make sure please

Roc: Kayla are you cheating ? Because this makes no fucking sense

Kay: stop !! Stop !! Bae I think I might have cancer okay there you have it ...since I tried to kill myself I've been feeling lumps on my breast and well yea I just want you to be happy and if I do have cancer I don't want you to be with me because If I die you're gonna be hurt

Roc: baby (starts crying) why didn't you tell me

Kay: I'm sorry but until this whole thing clears up I want us to pause okay have fun baby

Roc: baby I love you

Kay: I love you give me one last kiss

Roc: I don't want To end us

Kay: me neither (kisses ROC's for head) I love you (walking away )

Roc: (softly ) I love you

Gee shit bruh I cried but this is dedicated to my mom because she might have cancer and I'm really fucking sad but I give it all to god back to the story

Mike: I like it I like it I already found Some couples Can you get your friends

Yaya: uhhh well yea okay

Ray: I'll call em

Yaya: I'm so ready This video is gone be dope

Mike: I think you putting ray as the rapper was a good idea okay so we have 1 hour let's go get em

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