Chapter Three

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Chapter Three

I stumbled out of the baggage claim, feeling the cool rush of air conditioning hit my clammy forehead. Sitting on a not-so-air conditioned plane for about two and a half hours was terrible.

"If you were hot on the plane, I don't know how you'll get used to Florida heat." Niall said, standing next to me with his rolling suitcases.

I rolled my eyes. "I think I can handle it."

"Oh my god!" Ava cried, rolling her two suitcases behind her, "Air conditioning!"

People in the airport stopped and turned at Ava's out burst, but continued walking when they noticed that she was probably a tourist. The rest of the guys were still trying to grab their luggage at the claim, but were unsuccessful.

"I love Florida already." Liam said, smirking at Zayn who was grasping the handle of his luggage and struggling to pull it off the belt.

Ava playing swatted Liam's arm. "Don't be so rude."

"Rude?" Liam scoffed. "That is not in my vocabulary."

Once the guys had gotten all their luggage - which took about fifteen minutes - we headed towards the rental garage. Harry had called ahead yesterday and asked if they would have a eight passenger van available, and we were in luck. They had one left.

"You guys stay here," Harry said to us excluding Louis. "Lou and I will being the van around front."

I grasped the handles of my luggage and lugged it to the automatic entrance doors of the airport. What worried me the most, is if Louis could drive on the opposite side - since this was America.

"Please God. Don't let us die." Ava prayed, looking up at the ceiling of the airport and her mouth pressed into a thin line.

"Preach." I commended, nodding to Ava. Biscuit - who was still in his cage - started to bark loudly, which made people stare over at us.

She grinned at me, "I know we're not going to make it the few miles to the hotel. Not with Louis driving."

"Hey!" I exclaimed, "That's my boyfriend you're talking about."

Liam laughed, and touched my forearm with his hand. "He's your boyfriend who doesn't understand the concept of a speed limit."

The honk of a horn outside disturbed our intimate conversation and we had to head outside, luggage and all.

"You've got to be kidding me!" Ava cried, after we stepped out of the airport.

Louis banged the side of the van. I cringed at the thought of it falling apart with one more bang. The van was worse than I imagined. It had a big dent in the side of the back door, and the red paint job was peeling off to reveal a rusted white coat underneath.

"This looks like a pedophile van." Liam whispered to me, as Ava walked around the sides of it, inspecting it.

"It's a beauty, yeah?" Harry asked, poking his head out of the rolled down window.

"Such a beauty." I sarcastically agreed, loading my suitcases into the trunk.

"You're just jealous." Louis said, shaking his head.

Louis started up the engine once we were all in and buckled up. Niall was seated next to me in the back seat, while Liam was on the other side of him. Louis pulled away from the curb, turning the wheel carefully.

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