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So here i am sitting here in my dorm room and talkingto some girl named Cass claiming to be my new roommate who let her diranged piplup attack me what the fuck is going on. Cass sits there watching the anime she turned it to she looks over and says "so Shad i can call you Shad right?"

I look at her a little annoyed and reply " no you cannot call me Shad my name is Shadow"

She looks at meand says" o ok well do you like anime shadow"

I reply "yep." She then gets jumps at me hugging me she says" you are officially my bestriend here"

I sit there wondering what im etting myself into we sit there watchng anime and talking about what we like and what weare talented at i learn she is good at drawing and writing like i am i look at Kid who is sitting on the other couch doin kissy faces at me obviously asuming i like the nw girl he say in my mind" are you goina fuck her?"

I reply into his" what the fuck is wrong with you no espesially not with that crazy piplup."

Then Kid and i hear " so your you use telepathy and for pokemon named kid you are a pervert i saw what you want to do to Kia."

Kid and i look over at Cass i say " why the hell didnt you tell us you ere psychic?"

She replies " you never asked and why didnt you tell me your an aura user?"

I look at her and smirk before saying" you didnt ask."

All of a sudden Scorpion comes in and sees me with cas before saying" ok when did we decide the livingroom is open territory for haing sex wait nevermind its name says it all." he grabs a pepsi and walks into his room.

I look at Cass and say" that would be our hipster roomate." She doesnt say a word i get up to realize Kid is gone and so is her piplup she doesnt seem to notice she looks at me and say" ima go on to bed but if your rioulu gets Kia pregnant your going to be my boyfriend cause a deal me and Kia have." She just smiles and walls away. Im left there thinking of where Kid is shit if he gets Kia pregnant i would probly have to kiss my dream of being a ranger goodbye i have to find him i run all around looking for him i go out on the balcony and see none other thand Kid and Kia looking rather proud of themselves i sceam out " SSSSSSSHHHHHHHHHHIIIIIIIIIIIIITTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT."

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