Running Free- Final Edition

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I wish I wasn't here. Charging about a battle ground, watching my friends falling down around me, without being able to help! Its torture being here. Every day I wake up to the sound of guns and shells exploding, it took awhile for me to get used to them. I hate it with every fiber inside of me. I wish I was at home. Tucked up in my old, comfy stable next to my mother and field mates. I still remember Joseph and Stella, they were the children of my owners. They watched me grow up, named me, trained me, loved me. I knew they didn't want to give me up to this stupid war, I can still see Joseph holding a sobbing Stella and how he let one tear slip down when he said goodbye to me. They were my family, but that was the old me. The New me is different, stronger, older.

I have a new owner now, his name is Charlie. He is nice enough but it's not the same. He was given the option to name me, I remember his excitement of receiving me. I had just spent a week being transported to wherever he was, shoved in a stable with unfamiliar people and horses, and with heart ache from what I'd lost. I didn't understand what war was. I still don't, not really. All it seems to do is make people cry, so why would the humans do it? The captain strode into my stable with a youngish lad grinning at his side.

"now, Charles," He had said, "This beast here is the best of them all yet, strong, young and unspoiled. Name him and keep him like that, honor his previous owners." and with that the Charlie was left alone with me. He'd practically bouncing on the spot, "Here Boy" he cooed, as if frightened I was going to run way, I didn't, but I didn't move closer. I think Charlie spent nearly 2 hours trying to get me to make the first move towards him, something I admire him for, he gave me time. Time I greatly needed after losing so much. Once he had a hold of my head collar he started trying to name me, "What shall it be boy? Something manly? Xiaver? Zeus? Harold? Richard?" I didn't want any of those names, I HAD a name, so I made that clear to him by impatiently rubbing my head along his arm. "Whooa boy, ok-non of them- hey, whats this say on your leather boy?" that's when I remembered Stella's present, her mother had gotten me a brand new lather head collar with my name engraved onto a metal plate. "Maximilian, hmmm, is that your name boy? Your real one?" Shaking my head as best I could /i stamped my hooves to show that, yes, that was my name. "Well it looks like I wont be needing to name you after all, lets go  Max".  I was so grateful that he let me keep my old name, apart of my old life. 

I've been with him Charles for nearly 2 years now, He does his best, and I can tell he loves me very much and because of that, and the fact that I need a friend, I love him too.

Its morning feed now, but nobody comes and all of us are getting impatient. There never late, even before we were on the main battle field we had a strict regime. What's taking them so long?

Then suddenly, with a loud bang of the the make-shift doors, they all come running in with our tack and I know what's coming and I don't like it. I hate this, this hell that us horses are forced to participate in. I've tried to stop but thy force us, we disobey them to much and we'r classified as 'dangerous' by the officers higher up the ranks. Once that's happened if we're to far from home to be dumped them we're put on pack carrying duties.... and from the looks of all of them on that side its worse. They are out endless hours transporting weapons and food or any other supply needed. So I endure, But I don't want to. I don't want to get shot at again. 

Soon I'm all tacked up and ready for action with Charlie sitting astride me. We are at the front next to our Captain and his horse that strangely is called Captain as well. we've been partners for as long as I can remember, not just on the battle field but off as well, stable mate. He's been with the Human Captain for his whole life, as bread for this and gifted to the captain at a young age. All of which he's spent fighting. I pity him and envy him at the same time. He's not been separated from his family, but all he knows is war, and how to be a War Horse.  He tells me not to be scared, to do what Charlie asks, and I know that if I panic I will hurt Charlie. So as I'm standing there, waiting to go, I take a deep breath and then...CHARGE!!!

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