farina fire

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so right now farina is in her home she is getting ready to go to school

Farina looks at her closet she stares at it thinking to herself "what to wear" she turns her head left then right she finally settles for (look at picture that's what she wore) she quickly gets ready she grabs her bag and runs down stairs to the kitchen, she lives alone with her mother farina doesn't remember what her father looked like she only has pictures and stories of him but she imagines him as an amazing man her mother says he died in a horrible car accident when she was only three, farina runs to her mother kisses her on the cheek and sits to eat she puts down her bag and her mother puts down a plate staked high with worm delicious pancakes she grabs three with her fork and drowns them with honey her mother sits across from with a smile she says
"Are you excited for school?"
"Well, not school specifically but I'm excited to see leslie today,
we haven't seen each other since she left for summer camp"
"oh that's great!"
"Yeah i can't wait to see her!"
"Uh farina before I forget i want you to take out the trash when you come back from school"
"Aww why can't you do it?"
"Because I'll be working late tonight so i want you in bed by the time i come back"
"B-but mom im not a little girl anymore im in high school i can take care of myself"
"Okay so since your not a little girl anymore you can start paying the bills and working long nights right because big girls have responsibility's"
"W-what!?! No no no! Okay I'll throw out the trash don't worry"
Farina's mom stands and puts her plate in the sink she turns to farina and looks at her and says
"Have a good day at school, i love you"
With that she waves her hand and walks out the door, farina looks at the clock and realized she's late for school farina grabs her bag and runs to the door she locks the door behind her opens the gate and runs to her school wtich isn't far from her house, as farina races to make it in time for school she notices flashing lights coming from behind a fence she slowly gets closer as farina gets closer she begins to hear voices two male voices to be exact she peeps in a hole and to her surprise she sees...

Cliff hanger who can it be? I guess you'll have to wait for the next one
Bye bye : l

P.s. Not all chapters will be this short i just didn't have lots of time, but next time i will

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