The mystery man

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...Farina aproachis the fence with caution and slowly looks through the small hole, she sees two men fighting but what shocked her the most is not the actual fight she panicked because she quickly realized they were not human, the first man dressed with black pants and a black jacket stood on top of the second man but farina couldn't see the other one, he had brown hair and a big long red fabric like scarf, he screamed at the one on the floor while pointing his sword at him, farina couldn't make out every word he said but it was obvious he was mad and he was threatening him with the sword, but what stood out more was his cloth farina had never seen this kind of cloth especially the cloth the other man wore, she watched carefully and as she continued she began to realize she'll be late for school farina panicked and took one step back on accident she stubeled over a trash can causing a loud noise and attracting the two mysterious men to her, as farina laid on the floor she closed her eyes tightly untill she heard nothing and slowly opened her eyes, to her surprise they were still staring at her farina couldn't move or say anything she just looked at them, then the one standing on top of the other screamed at him and said
the one on the floor turned to farina and gave her a chilling smirk and said
???: heh, i don't know who does my work all i know is it gets done... maybe she does work for me... or maybe she doesn't...
Farina couldn't move or speak she had never seen that man before but he talked like he knew her for some time, the other man looked up off of the other one and looked straight at farina and with a strong voice said
???: Who are you?, and what do you want!?!
Farina: ...
farina: ...
Farina wanted to answer but was to afraid to say a single word, the man looked at the one at the floor and said "don't you dare move!" Then slowly walked over to farina, she moved back away from him as he neeled down closer to her, he looked at farina and said
???: what are you wearing?
Farina: m-my u-uniform for s-school
???: school?, why do you go to school, do you mean training
Farina: w-what!?!, i don't whats going on!, who are you why do you have a swrod!?!
???: hm... were you exiled to this place?
Farina: w-what? No i grew up here please just tell me what's going on!!
???: ...!... w-what is your name?
Farina: why should i tell you, you could me a murderer or psycho!
???: im not so tell me your name!
Farina: y-you tell me your's f-first
???: fine, my name is Dante what's yours
As he said his name the man behind him stood up and took something out of his pocket he screamed to the man and said "maybe another time we can be alone!", he throw the object to the ground and lights came out with an image of a black snake slithering away then the man had disappeared, the man turned to farina furious at at her for some reason
farina: I swear i don't know that guy!, I've never met him before!
Dante: If I ever see you again, i will not hesitate to strike you down!
He stood up and ran away he jumped up on to a car and ran were farina could no longer see him, she let out a big sigh of relief and looked up, farina had to re-think everything that just happened
Her thoughts: o-okay, first there's this guy he's mean and strong then there's this other guy who's also mean and looks evil b-but they have swords and dress funny and and oh my god!, *sigh* okay im fine farina you are okay... wait no your not your late for school stupid!
Farina quickly stood up and didn't hesitate to stop she ran so fast she completely forgot what she had just saw, but that made her think will she ever see that man again or was it just a coincidence she stubeled upon them, farina couldn't think about that know she hurried to school and didn't look back....

Dante: i-is she h-human!?! Thats impossible?....

Ooh cliff hanger... bye : T

P.s. if you can't see the picture of dante let me know i will try to put a link in the comments just in case

P.p.s sorry this is so short i just thought it would be good place to stop for know

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