Chapter III

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Dying is like flying. Or what I’d think flying felt like. Flying without the claustrophobic space of an airplane, metal and motors surrounding you. No, this is different. You’re free and out in the open, though there’s not even any wind, nothing that can stand in your way.

I never thought I'd ever describe death as... beautiful. But somehow this was, even knowing that I was leaving my family behind; my friends. 

 Have you ever heard where people would say, “Don’t go into the light,” when they think someone’s dying?

 Well the light is a good thing. It means you’re going where you’re supposed to; you’ve met your end but now you can relax in a world of your own.

 I saw that light. The moment the bullet shot through my skull, I felt myself being set free. I was being lifted out of my body, floating upwards towards the sky.

 I caught a glimpse of the man in black, the one who shot me. He quickly tucks the gun away and spins around to face the door. Outside, the men and women in lab coats are furiously at work. They’re fiddling with buttons and switches, writing down messy notes on pads of paper, and running about like chickens with their heads cut off.

 All this over a death? A kidnapping and a murder all over the course of an hour?

 When I began to float further upwards, my head just beginning to go through the rough ceiling, I feel a jerk. A jerk as if there’s a thick cord attached to my ankle, keeping me tethered to the earth like a kite on a windy day.

 I don’t know a lot about death, but I’m pretty sure this isn’t supposed to happen. I jerked once and my head managed to float completely through the ceiling so I was on the main floor of the house.

 I wish I could have this house. If these lunatics didn’t own it, it would be an amazing place. The hallway had paintings of amazing sceneries and people, the dark velvet red of the carpet adding a splash of color to the crème walls.

 Unfortunately, I didn’t even get a chance to admire the house more, because the tugging on my leg became more persistent, forcing me back down.

 I don’t want to go back, I thought. Please, don’t let me go back!

 No matter how much begging and praying I did, it didn’t help. As my head finally sunk back down, I caught one last glimpse of the paintings, though they didn’t seem as amazing as they did a few seconds ago. Now they seemed as if they were taunting and mocking me, letting me be pulled back down to the depths of the basement.

 They won’t let me go. They’re keeping me back…

 I’m being pulled outside the door where the rest of the people are. When I realize that I’m being pulled down the hall where all those huge glass containers are. 

What are they going to do? What can they even do? They've killed me, they've taken all you can possibly take from a person, what is left?

 Using the last ounce of strength I had, I sent out a wave of pure energy. An energy I didn’t even realize I had. The pure power of it made my body- if I still have one- tingle like it was flowing through me. It sent the people in the lab coats tumbling to the floor and swept the papers and some of the small surgical items sailing through the air.

 “We have to contain her!” A man was screaming, struggling to get up from the floor. “We have to use the emergency!”

 “It’s too dangerous!” A woman grabbed his arm, using him as an anchor to haul herself up.

 The man just grunted and stumbled over to something on the wall that looked like a fire alarm. He slammed his fist on it, breaking through the glass and pulling it down, ignoring his bleeding hand.

 There was a huge bang, seeming to shake the whole room before the sound of a vacuum turned on. As if the whole room was suddenly in the middle of a hurricane, wind began blowing like there was no tomorrow, messing up more of the already ruined room. It was sucking almost everything except the people… not including me.

 I swear, this felt like a damn episode of Danny Phantom, the show my little sister was obsessed with. I’m being sucked into one of the machines, too weak to send out another wave of energy.

 Well hell… it’s dark in here. That pitch black darkness where I can’t even see my own hand in front of me. Er… do I even have a hand still? Something about this is funny. It shouldn't be, but I find my own thoughts amusing when this is such a serious situation.

 I shook the thought away before I suddenly was let back out of the darkness, though I was surrounded in white and glass. 

 What the hell?

 I touched the glass, though I couldn’t melt through it like I could melt though the other walls before.

 “Let me out!” I screamed, trying to look through the fog to the other side, get an idea of what this hellhole was.

 No one was coming to help. I could hear the faint voices of the people in lab coats shouting at each other and such, but there was no sign that anyone would come to my rescue.

 Great… I knew I was dead, and now that’s not even my release. What do I do? What can anyone do when they’re dead? I never thought I would have to think of anything after my moment came, after my heart stopped beating.

 I fell against the glass, pounding on the walls. Tears were about to pour out of me, all joking aside and making me feel so... broken. I was broken. Broken Tessa Washington, that's who I am now, that's who people will find me as.

 They had to let me out. They already took my life, they couldn’t take my damn soul too… or whatever was left of me.

 “No one’s coming.” A voice echoed around the small space, coming from the wall to my right.

 “Who’s there?” I asked, putting my hands on the glass, still unable to peer through to the other side.

 And that’s when he appeared out of the fog like a ghost –no pun intended-, hands on the other side of the glass. “No one’s coming.” He repeated. “It’s too late. You’re one of the soul experiments.”


O.o xD I wanted to end it at that certain point and I didn't want to be filling the space with blank, meaningless, crap, so it's short, sorry! 

Anyways, thanks so much for comments and votes on the last chapter! They help A LOT!! 

Please do the same for this chapter so I can fix mistakes and learn from it! 

Thank you all! :) (I hope to put this story back at the top of thriller and horror like it was, so helping me would be much appreciated!)

Picture is of Tessa (actor: Amanda Seyfried) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - >

This was the only picture I found of her whole dirty blonde hair color I wanted for Tessa... but it wasn't as good as I wanted xD  I also thought of having Aaron Perilo as Jace... but not sure. Any suggestions?

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