Have you ever experienced something which so adequately functions as a metaphor for life that you cannot stop recreating the experience? For me that's sticking my head out of a car's moving window.
The wind against your face feels wonderful, freeing. The long hairs simply stream behind, blasted by the force of air so suddenly meeting with your head.
I love the moment where you look back and see the places you've left. Some pieces in your line of sight look bigger than others and the less important things are no longer seen. There's a clarity in reflecting on the past.
Looking at the objects you're passing can be disorienting. They zoom by so quickly and you can honestly only give attention to one or two things at a time. The present is in a jumble because we don't know what it will look like once it's in the past.
As to the road ahead. There are twists and turns the driver takes which can lead you to unimaginable beauty. You'll be taken on so many surprising journeys that you never would have dreamed about had you been the driver. You may guess what the future holds in store, but you can never be 100% certain.
Merry Christmas everybody <3
RandomEvery day I'm blessed with marvelous little moments. Some moments make me laugh which joy, others make me weep with gratitude. The truth behind each and every blessing is that I can feel God's love through it all. He's a good, good father who gives...