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Louie's POV
I feel nervous I'm biting my finger nails raw what if she says no then I'll be making a fall out myself like I did when I was with Chloe . I never liked Chloe I wanted to make Gwen jealous so that she would want to go out with me what was I thinking but now me and Gwen are getting closer I have a feeling it could happen . The sun goes down and darkness appears I get even more worried she hasn't even seen it 'ugh'
I begin to bite my Nails until I hear 'Bingggg' it was my phone to see Gwen had said yes . I think I'm sleeping am I ? I pour water all over myself and make my self look stupid because I'm not dreaming
Gwen's POV
I feel like me and Louie are getting closer and closer by the second I feel like my dream could come true that I could go out with Louie Ross his even asked me out to dinner I had to say yes , I bite my nails in anxiousness as what if he doesn't like what I'm wearing or what my hair style is and who I really am ? Act me or be someone I'm not

The right kinda guy (Not finished )Where stories live. Discover now