Luna The Alpha Of The MoonLight Pack
Darten The Mate Of Luna (Yes Darten Is My Mate In This Story)
Lily, Luna's Daughter, Beta
Mommy! I know The Ranks Of The Wolf Pack! I Know But They Don't Know. Who Is They? The Readers now Let Me Ask you something lily. Yes? Where do you want me to start? Ooo! When you met Daddy! No. Nope nope nope! Whyy?? Because then I would have to talk about..Ugh Uncle Alex... Who's Uncle Alex?? Your fathers Friend who brought me to dar- I mean daddy.. What's so bad about uncle alex? Well I dated 'Uncle Alex' A long time ago but he went all pysco. So I will never speak of him again. B-B-But!! No 'Buts' I'm not telling you about Uncle Alex. PLEASE!!! Okay Okay! Fine. YAY!
I was in a different kingdom The Kingdom's Name Was Doffy the King Was Doofy. ahah I Remeber that creep Doofy. Who is Doofy? No one! Back to the story! I was Wondering The School Yard With My Friends, Sliver, Kitty, And Lula and then all of a sudden this man, or alien, But He Said "You Need To Come With Me" But I Put Up A Fight, I Hit Him In The Head And Jumped Up On To A Roof And Stared At The Man As He Pulled Me Down With Some Kind Of... magics But He Dragged Me To A Forest where a boy in a blue hood was standing in a white tent as He Said "Hello, Luna. my Name Is Darten. And I Know Who And What You Are" All I Did As Teleport In To A Tree And Watch Him From Above all I said was "Well. What Am I?" I asked Darten Said "A Hybrid, Or A Shape Shifter To Be Exact." I teleported back down and grabbed Him By The Neck "How. How The Heck Do You Know What I Am!?" I yelled-- Mommy Did You Hurt Daddy? No I Didn't But I Thought About It. "I'm A Hybrid To So Put Me... ow! Why Are You So Strong!?" DartenAsked All I Did Was Laugh At Him "Okay, Then What Are You." I asked Him "I'm A Wolf. Now Please Put Me Down!" I put him down and Hissed At Him and Turned In To A Wolf-- Ooo!! Was He Scared!? Shh anyway. He Said To Me "I'm Part Of The Hybrid Force. I Protect Hybrids. I want You To Join Us." "Us?" I asked he Explained It All To Me And After A While Me And Him Fell In Love-- EWWW!! Let me put it this was. If we didn't Fall In Love, You Wouldn't Be Here. Never Mind! That's what I thought. Anyway I started a pack with Him, And You Were The First Member. Heh your aunts Were The Second Members but Your Father-- you know what.. I don't think you need nightmares. Why don't you go to bed sweetie. Aw...Okay.. Good Girl Good Night Lily. night Mommy!