Chapter 3: The Plan

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I woke up because I was shivering. I grabbed the blankets and curled up into them even more. 

Wait, blankets? I slowly sat up and realized I'm in a room.

'So it wasn't a dream after all.' Sigh. I look over to my right and see a note instead of Finn. 'So that's why I was so warm last night.' I grabbed the note and read it.

~Good morning Ryan. Sorry I'm not there to see you wake up, but I had pack duties to attend too. I will be back at one for lunch. Sorry, but it's the only time I can get off. Then I have to get back to work. So until then, you can relax and watch tv. I already made breakfast for you downstairs. It's on the counter. I'll be back later.


P.S. don't try to escape. Because we will find you.

Whatever. I'm still gonna try to escape and that's final. I don't belong to anybody, I'm my own person.

I walked downstairs and ate the breakfast that Finn made me. I have to admit, he's actually a pretty good cook. But oh well. I just wanna get out of here.

I ran upstairs and grabbed a bag to put some money, clothes, and a gun in. I looked closely at the gun and realized it's one of my guns. Jackpot!

I put the bag over my shoulder and run back downstairs. Let's see, where to go. I walk up to the front door and open it. Yes! I'm free!

When I open the door, I meet two very muscular backs.

Okay, maybe I'm not free.

T, he two really big men turn around and look at me with amusement in their eyes. "Oh, umm hello boys." I saed with a nervous chuckle.

"Hello, Luna. Going somewhere?" The guy on the left said with an evil smirk. There is that stupid smirk again.

"Uh no. I was just uh making sure you guys were doing a good job. And it looks like you are. So uh bye!" And with that, I slammed the door shut and ran back upstairs.

'Nice try Luna.' One of the guards mind-linked me.

I growl in frustration. Wait, how did he mind-link me? How did I hear it and how the hell did I growl? I need to find a way out of this hell hole.

I looked around to see where I could go. After realizing I might have to go to another room, I went through all the rooms until I could find one with a floor to ceiling window.

'Sweet!' I say to myself as I finally found one. I looked down and noticed there are a bunch of bushes. I guess those could break my fall. I need to find something to break the glass with and that's when I spot a lamp in the corner of the room.

I grab the lamp and chuck it into the window. Luckily it broke the glass.

I made a jump for it and landed in the bushes. I peek through the holes and notice some men are scrambling around the pack house. I heard some people start to freak out.

"What was that?"

"Someone broke the window."

"Wait! What about the Luna?"

"Oh my gosh. The Luna is inside the house!"

"Guards, check the house and find the Luna. She needs to be protected or else the alpha will kill us himself!"

"Go, go, go!"

Ha! I'm in the bushes, you morons.

I wait for about five minutes and no one is in front of the bushes. Thank the Lord!

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