Quidditch and Sickness [Diary of Harry Potter]

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                                                                        Diary of Harry Potter

                                                                               First Year

March 12, 1991

Today was the first day of Quidditch practice...I was super excited to get started. Wood is such a great teacher. He taught me all I need to learn about Quidditch. I am so excited to crush Slytherin in my first match this Saturday. Ron & Hermione promised me they would cheer me on in the stands. I hope I don't let my team down. I want to make my dad proud. I know there is alot of pressure for me to win. After all...I am the boy who lived. I guess I should go to bed now..Quidditch Practice is at 6 am until 9 am.Then I have Potions with Snape and Slytherin House and then Charms with Flitwick and Ravenclaw. Sounds like a FUN day...Yeah that was sarcastic. :p

March 13,1991

I never thought i'd be this sore after a practice. My body is so sore right now.

It was real rough today.. Hermione was trying to make me do homework before dinner but I

decided to do it before I go to bed. I am just so wiped out right now, My whole body feels like lead,

I feel like I have the flu. Hope Wood won't over work us tommorow..I better go relax in the Common

Room with Ron & Hermione.

March 14,1991

I think all this practice is making me sick. I have done nothing but school work, and Quidditch practice. Hardly any time for myself or down time. I hope it dosen't interfere with the match in a few days..I have a free period today at noon so i'll see if i'm free to maybe just relax again..my last attempt didn't work. Wood dragged us outside for even MORE practice...UGH.

March 15, 1991

Today practice wasn't as long, thank goodness, I finally had some down time..Homework wasn't so bad today..we only had 2 pages worth. I love taking

Mcgonagall's class..she never gives us as much homework as Snape does. He really hates all us Gryffindors. I can't believe he uses hatred as an excuse

to give us more homework. It's deffinatley not fair, But I can't fully complain. In my Muggle school before I came to Hogwarts, ALL of my teachers hated me

for no reason..I never gave them reasons to hate me..well I turned my teacher's wig blue by accident but anyways they always gave me more homework because they said " I needed the extra practice"....I'm kinda used to that...I still do NOT think that's fair. Ron agrees with me on this too..Hermione dosent actually mind the extra homework, she LOVES doing that kind of stuff anyways..what's a few more extra pages for her? Anyways...Long Long LONG day today. Potions was just brutal, Snape wanted to test potions out on Ron & Me. I am so glad class was over before we even got started with testing out the potions...I hope next time he picks Neville.

March 16, 1991

Tommorow is the BIG game and my FIRST ever Quidditch match. I have to admit, it's not as bad as I thought it'd be...I feel a bit under the weather but it's not gonna stop me..even if i'm sick tommorow i'm STILL playing..Wood would NOT stand for that...I can imagine him yelling at me now for not making the game because I am sick..Anyway....I hope Ron has a candy stash somewhere I could use a sugar rush right now. I'm feeling really weak...Maybe some sugar is just what I need...Maybe I should ask Hermione....She knows EVERYTHING...I'll update tommorow on how well I did in the match.

March 17, 1991

It's the BIG game today...So nervous I can't eat..Hermione and Ron are really worried about me though..Hermione had to perform a fever charm on me..She said I was shivering at breakfast..She said it's official, I had a fever..so what do I do??? Worry more. I deffinatley worried. Wood would deffinatley not be happy...So I KNEW I had to play...Well probabbly should go get ready for the game..a little warm up...I'm hoping i'm ok...

March 18,1991

Oh My....This morning I woke up with a pounding headache...I found myself in the Hospital Wing...I didn't remember much of anything but Breakfast...After that it's such a blur to me. I asked Hermione what happened to me..She said it was during the match I almost caught the snitch but I blacked out and fell off my broom...I fell and was taken to the Hospital Wing...Hermione said the nurse said I was over-worked, I was overly stressed about playing..They postponed the game...Dumbledore told Hermione to tell me that when i'm all better and able to play they'd play 2 days from then. I felt myself shiver...Hermione had to put another blanket on me. I can't believe that even happened. The good news is that I only have to be in here for another day or so..Hermione told me when the fever and body ache go away I can leave...Hope I get over this soon.. PS: Hermione said Wood wasn't mad but he feels awful... :/ I have mixed emotions about that...

March 19, 1991

FINALLY I'm OUT! The nurse finally released me! The nurse said I have to take at least 2 days off and relax fully and then can practice for the match...Luckily I met up with Wood in the hallway and he told me he is sorry and he feels bad so he's gonna cut back on practice and make it less intense. I guess Wood needed a reality check! Anyways I will update in a few days..

March 21,1991

Luckily I didn't feel sick this morning..The game is after lunch. Dumbledore moved the game to noon thinking eating a nice meal would help me out! I hung out with Ron all day yesterday..luckily I was excused from all classes for a few days or i'd be knee deep in homework. I got off easy! I kicked back and slept until noon for the past few days. I am so glad I have friends like Hermione & Ron who kept on asking me if I needed anything. They took care of me well! I can't wait to play today! i'm feeling so great today!

March 22,1991

The Quidditch match went GREAT and we WON!!!!!!! I accidently almost swallowed the golden snitch though :( that was bad...it tasted horrible...The whole Gryffindor house was cheering me on! The whole team was sooo happy! Now we have another trophy for our HUGE Quidditch Trophy case! Well off to our victory party! :)

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 15, 2011 ⏰

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