3- "You have some serious problems."

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It was almost 10 pm.

The dark night has arrieved and I were still sitting all alone in the dark. It was so quiet and peaceful. I closed my eyes and enjoyed the good moment.

I didn't want to go home. I didn't want to face my mum and have another argumet with her. And I definitely didn't want to see Justin again.

He was treating me like I was suppose to actually listen to him. He seemed so determined? I actually had no idea what I should think and what category I should put him into.

Suddenly noises took me out from all my thoughts back to reality.

I heard guys laughing, and it was coming closer and closer. I bit my lip nervosuly, hoping that no one will see me sitting here all alone.

"So, I want an answer now.'' A man suddenly snapped, making me bit my lip even harder.

"I don't have the money with me." I heard a familiar voice speaking.

"You know that this means that we are going to fucking kill you."

"Kill me then."

I was frozen in my spot, not daring to even move. It seemed like they were many boys- At least more than 3 and they were arguing about something,

I carefully looked behind me noticing their shadows behind the bushes.

''Where's your boys Bieber, I didn't knew you had the courage to meet up with me and my boys all alone.'' A voice suddenly spoke up and I saw that they were a group of boys standing in front of a guy who was alone.

"Don't talk with me like you know me? And I have my gun. If you want to mess with me, I will fucking shoot you. But if you want to kill me, I suggest you to go ahead and do it."

Oh shit. I shouldn't even be here? What am I even doing? Why am I not running away?

And that voice.

I couldn't think clear now but all I knew was that I had heard that voice before and it was very familiar to me.

I suddenly jumped up in fear when I heard a gunfire. I didn't want to see if anyone got shot or not. All I did was running my hand up to my mouth, not wanting to make any noises.

''Ey, ey, come on bieber, take down your gun.'' ''Then tell this motherfucker to keep his mouth shut and his gun tucked away if he's a pussy not to shoot.'' "Guns down now give us the money and-"

The man didn't continue his sentence when a phone started to ring and I think I just pissed myself becasue that phone was mine.

I just wished I could disappear far away from here right now. I was afraid to even breathe and I panicked trying to find my phone and despite how lucky I was today I had forgot which pocket I had placed my phone into.

''What the fuck is that?'' ''That sounded so close.'' I heard the guys started to say and I heard their footsteps, walking towards my direction.

Oh no.

I had managed to take my phone, closing it making everything so quiet and I took the opportunity to breath out, knowing that they didn't notice.

I was safe.

''Ow hey there little girl.''

I turned around facing a group of guys and I bit inside my cheek.

I didn't move. I was still sitting on the bench, holding my phone tighter, squeezing my legs together while I was sitting and I just looked nervously up at the one who was speaking to me, hoping that he will not hurt me.

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