Part Two: Alone

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"You terrified Kaylee..."

"I'm sorry." I said quietly.

"You terrified me."

"I know..." I whispered.

"Cora feels guilty because she was the one to give you that letter... After I specifically said, to the both of you, no letters."

"Danny you know telling someone who's fucked up how fucked up they are isn't exactly smart-"

"Neither is attempting suicide in front of your friends."

"I didn't- I wasn't going to- I just... I felt empty Danny. It was honestly an accident. I didn't really want to die." I coughed out. I've only been awake ten minutes and I already wish I had never woken up... Maybe I am suicidal. No. No I'm not.

"Do you need help? Should I send you to the hospital?" He questioned. I shook my head.

"No... I want to train." I sat up, and even though the splitting headache I had only grew inflamed, I went to grab clothes to train in. My room had been fixed, and my things that had survived the free fall from my window or the brutal stabbings had been returned to their spots. I groaned at this. I actually hated that I destroyed all of my nice things.

"You can't, you need mental help-"

"Oh yeah? What about what Owen told me about you the night before you saw Cora for the first time as an adult? Something along the lines of you drinking yourself to a stupor and almost puking out the lining of your stomach-"

"Lavender." He sighed, he was no longer the hot tempered Alpha he had been when I was younger, but I knew I had just stepped on his toes a bit. "You were very violent. Kaylee was sobbing when I finally got in the room. It took three men to stop D-"

"Don't. Don't say his name, I don't want to talk about it."

"Too bad Lavender. It took three men to stop Durst from coming upstairs after you. As a human. Your bond with him is-"

"I don't have one. He's made that clear!" I shouted as I started to cry. "I know what you want of me Alpha, to be strong, to let it go, but I can't. He all but abandoned me-"

"You know I set the rules on him."

"Yeah, but when you had rules you broke them- to be with your mate! Mine sends mixed messages and mix tapes. He doesn't care about me! And you have no idea what that's like! To have one mate abuse the shit out of you physically and then the other to abandon you emotionally! I have no one! My sisters are now children, you have your life with your kids and Cora, all I have is- all I have..." I shook my head, I couldn't think of anyone that would be there for me if I really needed them- Kaylee was too young, my other "friends" feared me and my situation, and my family all had their own lives.

"You have us, your family, you're strong and powerful, you're about to change and experience being a wolf for the first time-"

"And then how terrible will this feeling be?"

"You can only find out if you're here." He said firmly. I knew he was right, he was my Alpha, and he was my brother, and he knew what was best a lot of the time. But it hurt so much.

"I don't want him in my life- no matter what it means." I cried. My brother came up and hugged me, and I cried into his chest.

"You fought so hard to be a strong wolf Lavender, don't give that up. You guys will figure it out."

"Tell him to stay away from me." I said bitterly. "I'll meet you at training."


The next few days I spent pacifying Kaylee into being my friend again, and kicking Beckett's ass at training. He refused to hardly try in the ring after hearing about Durst's reaction to me being in trouble. The elders did their routine checkup on me. They were displeased by my actions lately to say the least, but impressed with my skills enough to give me the green light on my changing in four days; not that they could stop it anyway.

I stood outside of the cafe in the center of town waiting for my ride home, puffing on my cigarette. Beckett said he'd pick me up after he got out of school, and to not be late because he and Shawn wanted to get in as much practice as they could with the scouts guidance before their changing. I told them there was no chance in hell they were making it into the scouts if they couldn't beat me. They still refused to fight.

"Get in Double Del-ta with fries."

"Beckett do you like the taste of embarrassment in the ring?" I growled as I climbed over the side of his jeep and into the back.

"There's no shame in not kicking your ass. I'd be terrified of Durst too, if I knew he thought I was trying to play mates with you." Shawn chuckled. Beckett socked him quickly, and Shawn only laughed.

"Wait- what?" My face grew red with anger as I took another puff of my cigarette.

"Nothing." Beckett glowered as he kept driving.

"No, what is he talking about?" I glared at the back of Beckett's head, but he didn't move.

"Well it's obviously not possible anyway- so either Daddy Warbucks is stupid, or he's in love with you." Beckett sneered. "Not that I'd care. I'm about to be an eligible bachelor, I definitely am not tying myself down young-"

"Wait- why would he care anyway? What made him think I'd even look twice at you?" I scoffed.


"Beckett get over yourself." I groaned as I sat back on the bench seat. "Why would he think that?"

"When you passed out you yelled for Kaylee and Beckett. And Beckett here came to visit you the whole time you were out, didn't you Becky-boo-"

"Shut the fuck up Shawn. And don't flatter yourself either Snow, I came to visit as your friend, but The Delta wasn't exactly allowed to see you. So in other words you pretty much put a death sentence over my head, when he gets back into ranks he's going to kick my ass when we scout-"

"If you make the scouts-"

"When. When Snow. So if you could you know give him-"


"And then he'll get off my case-"

"I told you. I'm not talking to the guy let alone-"

"Bullshit. Even I'm a little gay for the guy." Shawn chuckled. "I mean no homo- but he's fucking built- and you're part of this litter now kid- and that means we can read you like a book. I bet you're getting we-

"Shut the fuck up-"

"Just thinking about him!"

Now I took a turn punching Shawn's arm.

"What other option do you have anyway- go rogue?" Shawn took the cigarette from my lips, took a puff, and put it out. We were on the dirt road leading up to my house and Danny would chew me out if he knew I was smoking again.

"Maybe I will." I shrugged, standing up before I jump off the back end of the moving jeep.

"I guess that means we're starting with a run?!" Beckett yelled after me. But I barely heard it as I dropped my bag by a fallen tree and took off in the opposite direction of the house. My feet took me faster and faster as I zoned in on running and tuned out everything else. I needed to be alone.

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