Chapter 1

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I looked up from the diamond shaded color of water, my older brother getting cocky with his wooden sword. "Damien! What in the name of the Gods are you doing?!" I scream, Damien's shaggy dirty blonde hair was swiped back. He drew a sly grin, "Just trying to practice." He exclaimed, I rolled my eyes in disgust "For what, dear brother?" I nick. He throws a sideways glance my way, "Well for the war, of coarse! What else?!" I scoffed in disbelief. My brother, in war? I couldn't see it. I couldn't even if I tried hard enough. "Well that's dumb! You know what happened to Uncle don't you, dear brother?," I ask, he shook his head in reply, I grinned "He was out on the battlefield, then out of nowhere he was taken!" I say

"Where?" He asked, eyes wide

"Nobody knows...some say he killed himself. Others say he got taken by enemy grounds. But we know the truth...." I linger,

"W-what's the truth, sis?"

"He got taken a shadow monster!!!!" I scream.

Damien laughed so hard he fell on his side. I frowned, "What's so funny?" I ask, he started drying away tears. "C'mon little sis. You don't still believe in monsters, do you?" He raised one of his narrow eyebrows at me, his dirty, blonde hair drooping over in left eye. I scoff, "So what if I still do?," He started laughing again, "W-what's so funny?!" I burst. My cheeks were starting to flush from the heat and embarrassment, probably red as well. "Your sixteen, sis! Monsters are way too weak to beat you! For anything, they should be scared of you! But their not real so-" I interrupted him. "W-wait! Did you just call me strong?" I gasp, he threw his cocky grin, "SIS! You threw me in the Bubbling River for saying you have the grace of a living corpse! And you were ten! I was eighteen! And I'm a boy!!". My cheeks burned like fire. I suppose I am strong in some ways.....if only that were true in this case, dear brother. If only....


I woke up in the pouring rain. My ripped clothes were caked in mud and grim, I had been out here for the past few weeks, gathering edible berries, drinking lake water. I started running through the pitch black, narrow path, until I collided with a branch. "Owww!" I said, in a small voice, I looked up to see a castle the size of six of my towns combined, with a dark, grey, moon-raped, eerie, luminescent glow to it. I started walking towards it in a trace, a flash of grayish streak passed out of the corner of my eye. I rushed around to find a pack of gray and white wolves surrounding my exit, I snuck a glance behind me...there were more. 

"Okaay...nice scary wolves....nice scary wolves.....," I said calmly, one of them with blue eyes looked at me with caring eyes. Wait. Blue eyes?! Since when did the wolves in Dragon Forrest get blue eyes?!  A flash of dark brown hair just rushed pasted me. Huh, brown hair? I don't know any dark brown haired freaks walking in the Woods in the middle of the night. Maybe, a nighttime guard? Nah...I seriously doubted it, "Stay behind me!," a rough, dry, manly voice rang in my face. "I don't want to see you get hurt on my grounds!" He yelled, I looked at this 'kind' man's face, (though I really did not need to) he had a tannish glow to him, his eyes were a strong, forest green color that radiated pure fear into anyone's soul, he was about 6'1 in height wise. But he had this boyish glow to him, like if he didn't save me he would never find a way to forgive himself.

"Thanks...but I think I can handle myself--" Before I could finish my sentence a wolf came hounding at my face. The man-boy (I don't know! What do you call a boy who looks like a man?! Gorilla face?!) swung his elbow and struck the wolf at the animal's pupil. "Ahhh!" I scream, nearly having my lovely (flawless might I add) face get obliterated by a madman...what, you would be more than mad too! "Why are you screaming, peasant?!" He yelled, gee I don't know: there's a stranger who nearly elbowed my face off! "Because you nearly ripped my face off!" I countered. He gave me a sideways death glare, then growled at me "Okay, on my signal you run to the gates okay?," I nodded my head in respond. "Okay! Now! Run! Run! RUN!" He burst, pointing madly, I started track running to the gates (full speed mind you) while hauling  Miss. 'I'm so strong! I can even hold off two dozen gangs of wolves!'. "W-w-what are you doing?! Let me go!" He yelled, "Ha! As much as I would love to do that pretty boy!-" I laughed pushing him to the hard ground, whilst closing the gate. "You're my ticket to getting to the Kingdom of Silverton! So no, I won't let you go for anything or anyone!" I clearly stated, proud of my sudden bravery.


We were in a large room where there was a cobblestone fireplace, engraved with weeping willows. In the middle sat a polished white stone and glass table, surrounded by plush, eggshell white seating area. Along with a soft, plush, heavenly carpeting below it, Mr. 'Cruel' was seated in one of the eggshell white armchairs, hand cupping his chin. "What'cha thinking about there, Beasty?" I say to him, a small smile playing on my lips. He glared at me from across the room, "Would you not call me that. And for your information, peasant. You will address me by; Prince or King Calico." He demanded. Oh, well he has his work cut out for him, if he thinks I am going to call him anything with that kind of title. "Just so we understand each other, Beasty. I WILL NOT be addressing you in any way, shape, or form of that title. Are we clear?" I informed, he must have been shocked with my now demanding voice that he didn't even know what he was doing himself.

He started walking towards me, in such a manner, that if I was back home he would be arrested for that kind of act. He then gripped my wrist tightly, and yanked me towards his broadly shaped chest, and growled, "And just so we are clear: You will call me, 'Your Highness' and nothing less...are we clear?". I open my mouth, then looked into his forest green eyes and gulped down my stupid courage. What was I thinking?! Standing up to a guy twice my size, and he's a guy?! My, oh my! I must be losing it from lack of brain oxygen flow! I roughly pulled away from his hand, rubbing my now sore wrist, inching back step by step from this...this thing, as slowly and as safely as humanly possible. "We--we should be going to bed now...don't you agree, peasant?," He stuttered, I nodded then started making my way to near the opened flamed, fireplace. "You, you can sleep in one of the rooms, peasant. Just...just don't leave your stink there. You hear me?!" He prowled, suddenly unamused by my silent manner. Stomping up the grand, wide, dark wood stairs in a graceful, yet childish behavior.

I still can't stand the near sight of being around the little beast, but if it helps me get to Silverton in one piece (hopefully) I really don't mind one bit.


Hi Guys! SO this is the first chapter to Forbidden Heart!! And who else is really annoyed  that Calico ('Beasty' to Ruby) just got Ruby's wrist swollen?! And no, this is not a copy of Disney's Beauty and the Beast  though I will admit: the idea came from it! X) Guilty as charged! But hey! Doesn't mean I am going full on musical on this! You will see Calico's P.O.V. in the next few chapters or don't fear! And anybody wonder why Ruby wants to get away from her town so bad? Anyway! Also sorry for any spelling or wrong punctuation or anything like that!

KISSES, Tory Gabby

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