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Until you've traveled to the ends of the earth with the person you love and you're high off your ass don't you dare tell me you know what infinity feels like.
Just breath. In a while everything will be okay. Just breathe. You'll make it through it if you just breathe. Calm yourself take control. Just breathe. Put your trust in yourself. Just breathe. You're going to be okay. Just breathe.
Alma our queen our goddess. Alma Arrow our queen our goddess. She has powers not even great men can bear. She can kill a thousand armies with the flick of her wrist. Alma Our queen our goddess.
You never know why people do drugs till you do drugs.
Tragedy should be used as a source of strength
One day we all must die.
Make peace with yourself and fuck what everyone else has to say. You are in control of you and you do what you want. Fuck anyone who tells you differently. By taking care of yourself you take care of others. Don't you dare let anyone tell you otherwise.
Dear fuck bois, if you're looking for your girl to commit to something serious let her have her first and her second. Let you mean as much to her as she means to you God damnit.
In the bed
Make some noise.
But don't sleep with the boys.
Oh no no
My breathing is disoriented and I can't focus. Maybe I should keep an eye on you. After all who knew something heaven sent could do something like this to me. So now I'll smoke, I'll drink, I'll fuck people I shouldn't. Maybe one day I'll find someone who will do all the things that you wouldn't.
Falling in love is like falling through the sky. And when it ends its like going splat on the concrete. The sound you get is your heart breaking.
You're the judge! Oh no. Set me freeeeeeeee aye.
We fear the creatures of the night for they are the only things that give us day and happiness.
Smoking candles on the 13th floor.
This burns. And that's weird bc it's supposed to feel good.
Stop trying to resist the drug. Just let it take over you.
Bass the big night ahead
Vibrating brains
Why do you pretend to be sober when you're high? That defeats the whole purpose of being high!
And dear God make sure they love you back before you let them ruin you.
I don't give two shits if I don't look good for you. I will feel good for you but looking good is I different story. If I look good but don't feel good it doesn't matter if you enjoy it I don't and I won't enjoy it. So I will feel good for you because feeling good will always be more important than looking good. Same goes for you (person of the opposite sex).
I really wanna fuck Bruno Mars rn. idek guys help.
My names blurry face and I still don't give two shits about what you think.
I'm actually pretty sick guys I have to keep going to the bathroom to throw up idk what's wrong with me.
Thank god it's Friday because Friday's will always be better than Sunday's because Sunday's are my suicide days.
I do not have writers block my writer just hates the clock.
I found God
I found him in a lover
When his hair falls in his face
And his hands so cold they shake
I found the Devil
I found him in a lover
And his lips like tangerines
And his color coded speak
Now we're lost somewhere in outer space
In a hotel room where demons play
They run around beneath our feet
We roll around beneath these sheets
Coming down // Halsey
Everything was going fine. I finally had my life put back together and you came in and ruined everything. You tore everything apart. It's all your fault and I blame you not myself.
The things I think about when I'm up at night thinking about you.
I found my savior and my destroyer in the same place, a lover.
That's all for tonight guys, have a good day.

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