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In the end, Brynn did die, because of Chloe, what happened down there in the mines. But that's not such a bad thing. We all have to die sometime.

"I'm going to spew."

She didn't think she was going to; she knew. The girl sat straight up and promptly dry-retched over the side of the hospital bed. Totally gross, but there wasn't much else she could do.

Her stomach writhed in pain as she hacked, her mouth and throat so dry it stung.

But they hurt, and to feel hurt, you had to be alive.

If her throat hadn't killed so much, and she'd been able to hit a proper note, Brynn would've sung for joy.

As it was, she collapsed back down onto her pillow, too void of energy to even stay sitting.

Her head was groggy and felt like it was stuffed with cotton balls, in the way heads only can when you've had an awful headache and taken six panadols to rid yourself of it. She was extremely hungry, but with the way her stomach kept knotting and unknotting and aching, she doubted she'd be able to eat for quite awhile.

Brynn groaned, which probably caused more pain than it was worth. She was in a hospital, she'd already gathered that from the awfully stiff and starchy sheets that covered her and the metal bars around the bed she lay in. Luckily she was alone, no one else in the small room that had been closed off by the curtains around her bed.

But what had happened to land her in a hospital?

Oh right, Chloe.

Brynn pushed herself back up to sitting, mumbling in pain as did so. Her bed backed up to the wall though, so she could lean against that as she pulled back her sheets to examine the bandages that wrapped around her stomach. There was a drip attached to her left hand that she hadn't noticed before, and as she saw it a sting of pain ran up her hand, even though it had probably been inserted hours ago.

That reminded her - how long had she been in here? Her last memory had been the pain of Chloe butchering her like a kebab with the large knife, then falling to the ground. How had the gotten out of the mines? Were the others okay?

From her sitting position, she tried to twist to get a look at where the knife had gone in. She was expecting something gross, like the white bandages being stained red with her blood, but it looked fine. It probably wasn't worth pulling the bandages off to see what it looked like underneath.

Unlike her back and stomach, her ankle didn't hurt at all, though that was probably because of all the pain suppressors she would've been given. Not even meds would've been enough to stop a stab wound from hurting.

Her eyes had adjusted to the lights awhile ago, but it shocked her just how bright it was. A clock on the monitor next to her bed told her it was 11:14 at night, yet lights shone everywhere. They had to in a hospital, she supposed.

There was a ruffle as a the curtains on the side of the monitor were pulled back, and a scatter-brained looking woman stepped in. She wore a white doctor's coat, so Brynn assumed that's what she was. But instead of noticing Brynn, she went straight to checking the stats on the machine.

She muttered something to herself, and Brynn figured she should speak up before the woman left.

I took a lot of effort to force a sound out of her throat, and when she did, it came out more like a coughing hack than part of the English language. "Hello?"

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