Chapter 3

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Scott's POV
After Kira and I were done studying I said "thanks I appreciate it","no problem"she said giving me a big smile. I pulled out my phone and saw the time I don't wanna be late for class so I decide to  go get ready for class. I put my phone in my pocket and gave her a quick kiss on the lips then said "see you later" as I said that I started to walk away. When I got to my locker I realized what just happened"oh my god" I whispered to myself "what's wrong" Lydia asked looking worried. "Did I say that out loud"I asked feeling kinda embarrassed "sorta anyways what's wrong"Lydia asked,"I just kissed Kira"I said confused on how it happened. "Finally,I thought it would never happen"Lydia said with a look of relief on her face. When she said that I thought to myself now I'm really confused now. "What do you mean finally"I asked "I mean finally,have you not seen how Kira looks at you. I think you guys would be cute together"Lydia said very excited,"but the way I kissed her is not the way a first kiss should be"I said. "How did you kiss her"Lydia asked me with a 'you worry to much' look, "I didn't mean to kiss her,it just happened. It was a fast kiss on the lips then I walked away"I said thinking about what must be going on in her head right now. "Do you like her"Lydia asked "well.....yeah I like her a lot"I said smiling to myself,"then just talk to her about it,also I think you should ask her out"Lydia said, "are you sure"I asked unsure on what to do. "Yes I am,also Stiles would agree with me"Lydia said

Lydia's POV
"By the way where is Stiles"Scott asked. Crap, I wasn't suppose to bring up Stiles. Before I saw Scott at his locker I was looking for Stiles everywhere but I couldn't find him. I hate that Scott worries about everyone so much so I wasn't going to tell him,yet. "Um...I really don't know"I said waiting for him to start worrying, "he said he was going to talk to Maila"Scott said pulling out his phone "I'll just text her"he added

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