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Assalaamu alaykum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuhu my dear fellow siblings :)

On the topic of making Dua gratitude is a very important aspect. It is only when you feel grateful to Allah or you fear His punishment that you actually decide to do something. For example, things that are pleasing to Allah such as making dhikr or praying sunnahs. Even smiling at a fellow brother/sister is sadaqah.

How many of you just look around at the creation daily and just think, Subhanallah, if the creation is this beautiful then how beautiful is the Creator of all this? Nature has been given as a sign for those who ponder and reflect upon Allahs creation.

Additionally, think about all the times Allah has blessed you with something. Alhamdulillah, Allah has blessed us with Islam and that is the best blessing I could have ever received. But on top of that, Allah blessed us with families to support us, schools to teach us, food and clean water for survival, easily accessible healthcare and much more. What more do we need? There's no need to be greedy, instead be grateful!!

Around us we see so many suffering. Do you think about those in Syria, who have no family, no limbs, nothing to make them smile but Wallahi, some of them are more patient than some of us. As much as poverty, starvation an hunger is a test, so is so having blessings such as beauty, wealth and food. You will stand in front of the Al-Hakeem, the Wise, and be asked about how you spent these blessings.

Don't you see? Allah promised us He will test us in so many different ways and blessings are also tested.

Shall I inform you of another thing that is tested? Your level of patience

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Shall I inform you of another thing that is tested? Your level of patience. Allah will keep on testing you to see who the truest of believers are. Before the tests, you are weak but after you increase your trust and faith in Allah and after that nothing Shaitan throws at you will bring you any worry/stress. And Allah does not test one with something s/he cannot bear.

May Allah increase us all in strength, patience and perseverance. Ameen.

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