Chapter #2 Remebering Mom, But Forgetting Her a Little More.

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      Mommy's beautiful brown Autumn crips hair was sprawled on the ground.  Her titanium blue eyes locked onto mine. She was on the ground and frowning. Mommy never frowned, she usually was standing, hugging, with this giant brilliantly white smile on her face.
     " Piper, Daddy's not coming back."
     "Where did he go Mommy?"
"Pips..." Mommy took a breath.  Her words were chocked, as if she had a hard time talking. Her eyes were far off, distant, glassy. Something I've never seen Mommy's do. Something they should never do. 
    "He had to go away. He can't back."
"He can't ever come back? Never ever?"
     More chocked words, "Never ever, but he'll always love you."
     "Why would he leave on my birthday? He said he'd be here!"
My words were getting hard to swallow too.  My Mommy, Grandma, and I were all tear catchers. Grandma said I should never, ever cry. Not even if I'm really sad.
      But I was really, really sad. Daddy promised he'd be here for my sixth birthday. He was going to play pony with me, watch Cinderella with me, he was going to be with me! Why did Daddy lie?! He said he would never lie!
   I wanted to do something I wasn't ever supposed to do since I was five.
     I wanted to cry. I guess Mommy did too, because I saw a tear roll down her cheek. 

  A sudden jolt from the car woke me up. I rubbed my bleary eyes.  We had been in the car for hours. Hours.  More hours, and oh! Hours. Heh, I hated riding in the car. I get seriously bad headaches from being in the car. Great, like this was any better.
     I was exhausted,  last night I had packed all my clothes, and anything needed for my daily life. Most of my furniture was sold. Practically everything in the house was sold. That's how my Grandmother worked. The new house already had furniture bought and placed inside. Yep, my Grandmother has something wrong with her, well, um, besides our family 'tradition'. 
     I saved my Mother's music box though, and my Father's letter opener. That's all I had left of them, besides scattered, blurred memories.
     People say memories never leave you, but I guess they did for me. I mean with so many other people's memories stuffed in your head, it's hard to remember your own, ya know?
     Even the ones you thought you'd remember for eternity. But honesty, eternity expires at some point. Time never stops. It was just always there. But something cannot keep going forever. Not even time.
     We're all just trying to escape reality, I guess we make up something that never ends just to look past the fact that our lives our limited.  Something greater then ourselves, but unless we can love ourselves and except our fate, can you truly be happy?
    I don't want to except my fate, because my fate practically screams unhappiness. Reliving other people's lowest moments does not exactly make for a happy life.  Heh, sucks to be me.
       I break from my troublesome thoughts to explore the world from my window. 
     Lush green farmland coats the landscape. Cows mozy around, chomping on the grass surrounding their feet. Flies flitter around them,  dancing small delicate dances only flies can see.
     The sky was blue, blue bonnet precisely. White fluffy clouds expanded across the horizon. Watching the calm landscape below. I inhaled, excited by maybe a chance that Vermont lifestyle existed here.
   Mom loved the farmlands, and nice fields in Vermont. She craved the blue sky found nowhere else. She breathed the agricultural style. She loved Vermont, my Dad and I did too.
       A sudden shadow passes over our metal prison. A tunnel. I hate tunnels. They could cave in blocking you from help, or sunlight. I shivered, and waited for the light at the end of the tunnel.
         Sadly, there was no light. When we got to the other side, the sky was now grey. Polluted. You could it see it seep into the sky, poisoning what little blue it had left. Buildings crowded on every inch of land. Smothering it with grey colors.  I shrank back, horrified at how vast of a difference there was between Vermont and New York.
      About a half hour we pull into our driveway. We live on a crowded street, the houses practically touching. Our house was one story, and a red color coated it.  Grey mingled with the plain red. Not Firehouse red, or cherry red. Just plain red. Typical Grams.
      I instantly jump out of the car, my muscles stretching in pleasure. I lift my arms above my head, my red dress raising a little with the motion.
     "Hey," My stomach jumps into my throat as someone speaks to me from behind.
     I spin around and gasp. A boy about my age stares back at me. Ginger brown spiked hair framed his face. His eyes were acorn brown, warm, and inviting. He was gorgeous.
"Oh my snips, you're cute." I breathe, my face suddenly flushing at the realization that I said that out loud.
   "Sorry, I didn't quite catch what you said. Oh my snips, was it? Nice, that's one wicked catchphrase." He puts his had out to mine, a handshake. I've seen people do this on T.V. I lift my suddenly  heavy hand to grasp his. His skin was smooth as butter.
     "You must be the new neighbor. My name's Dean.  Dean  Keggs.  Your's?" Man he was charming.
      "Piper Coles. It's nice to meet you Dean. " He smiles and let's go of my hand.
      "Nice meeting you Piper Coles, welcome to the neighborhood. "
    I walked away, screaming to myself on the inside. I walked to the car snd started to pull out my stuff from the trunk. My Grandmother walked outside, a thin frown molded into her lips. 
      "Great, Hooligan on the street." She muttered it under her breath. Then she looked to me, taking a deep breath.
      "Oh, by the way Piper, I'm transferring you to public school, starting tomorrow. " When she had said that I was lugging my luggage up the porch stairs. I flung my head around to look at her, my eyes as wide as a barn owls.
   Then I tripped, my hands slipping from my bag. They tried to get out in front of me, but they didn't make it on time. My head dived toward the cemented porch.  I saw grey before searing pain collided with my nerves. 
    Hot sparks of pain scratched along my head. Imagine it resembling being blasted by a firework while being branded with hot iron. Ouch.
    I couldn't cry. Wouldn't, shouldn't, couldn't. So I had to teach my body to react a different way. I expressed pain though laughter. And I started laughing, I sounded like a crazy hyena on a sugar high. Dean stopped skateboarding and stared at me with a you're-weirder-than-I-thought look.
    Embarrassed, I ran into the house. I dove into the couch, and started screaming into the pillow. Mostly because of embarrassment, but because I was going to public middle school! I'm totally excited! Holy snips, public school. Tomorrow.
       I should've been scared. Scared of facing Middle school alone, with mean jerks. Especially if I couldn't cry, because middle school was supposed to suck.  Finally a chance to make friends! Maybe Dean went to my school.  I could maybe become popular!
     Welp, I was wrong.

XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX First off, sorry for this being so long. Okay, so I tried out a couple of different styles, and I wanted to know what you all think. I tried to express different things. Anyone like Piper's personality?  I apologize for it not having more drama, or scenes involving Piper's power. Please type anything you may want to see later in the story! Thanks so much for reading this!

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 22, 2015 ⏰

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