December 21st, 2015

8 1 0

My mind was clear as I took my trek through the darkened woods, large pine trees leaving shadows trailing along the earth like black claws. Interlocking branches overhead creating a network of small trails below my feet, weaving back and forth, left and right with no end and no beginning. Through these nets came only enough moonlight to outline them clearly with little left for me to see by. But I didn't really mind. I knew these woods too well to ever get lost or turned around. I had spent too much time memorizing every path, every dead end. I could go blind and yet still be able to walk through these woods with not an ounce of fear. And tonight was no exception to this. I knew where I was going, A long trodden path for me, so I kept my gaze on what little sky shone through overhead. The crackling of the leaves under foot happily filling my ears, while the scent of dampened earth wafted about my nose. A beautiful wonderful place. And so, I lumbered on. Every once in a while I paused to shift weight to either my left or my right side, rolled my shoulders a few times, took a small contented breath, and carried on.

This continued for some length of time before I was struck with the overwhelming feeling that there was another present in my beautiful woods, someone who didn't quite belong. "Hello? Who's there?" I heard a voice call out from the shadows ahead. Apparently I wasn't the only one who felt put off by the appearance of a stranger.

"I am here." I answered back with a question in my tone. Maybe we had met in passing before and I just lost the memory somewhere in the back of my mind. No no, not possible. No one traveled this woods accept for myself. No one would dare to. These beautiful woods were considered dangerous by those in town, so this.... this person must be visiting. Or better yet, lost perhaps? "Who is there?"

At my question I heard a faint rustle and the crunching of dead leaves under foot, then a lean figure took form in the light of the interlocking network above. It was a he now that I could get a good look, fairly young, or matured I should say. Either way, this was no place for a man such as he. "What are you doing in these woods Miss? Haven't you heard of the dangers that lurk below these pines?" He spoke once more.

I thought for a moment. The dangers? Why, there were no dangers here. "I have indeed heard such things. But contrary to the belief of others, I feel safe below these branches." I smiled, once more shifting weight as my left side had grown tired from lack of movement. It was then I noticed his gaze shift from my face, to the area just over my shoulder. Like he was looking at something behind be, or perhaps someone? How intriguing.

"You seem very calm for someone in your predicament." His voice changed now that he was once more meeting my gaze. It was harder, more authoritative. He was acting like I was a young child who just got caught stealing cookies before dinner. Apparently, he didn't seem to understand that my predicament, wasn't that at all.

"A walk in the woods helps me relax and release tension." I took a deep breath and let it out with a soft sigh, content in the current moment. I was hoping to show this young man that these woods were nothing to fear and that I was happy to continue my walk and release him to continue his own. "The fact that I am dragging a body behind me should be irrelevant."

Prompt: "A walk in the woods helps me relax and release tension. The fact that I am dragging a body behind me should be irrelevant."

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