December 22nd, 2015

7 1 0

"My understanding about them is highly limited but I have heard many things concerning their loyalty and entertainment capabilities so I knew this was my greatest option." Who was that speaking? And to whom were they speaking to? The speaker wasn't someone I recognized and frankly, I didn't like the thought of some random guys breaking into my apartment. But it was the deep vocals that roused me from my sleep, fear creeping down my spine as my muscles tensed in preparation of an oncoming attack. "I got a female. What? No no, I just had the wild notion that a male would continually be humping my leg. Trust me, it happens." Got a female? Humping his leg? It happens? What the hell was going on? Going against my better judgement I cracked open my eyes just enough to observe my surroundings, peering through my lashes with slowed breathes. Well one thing was for certain; I was sure as hell not in my apartment anymore. The two walls I could see were a sharp gray, no pictures hanging, nothing decorating the solid color. The room I was in was what I would dare to call homely, a decent sized living area with dark hardwood floor, the likes of which I currently had my cheek pressed against. So these guys break into my apartment, kidnap me, then just dump me in the corner of their living room? Something was definitely not right. "I have to go, I believe it's waking up." Shit, shit, shit, SHIT. I heard footsteps gradually growing closer, how the hell did he know I was awake? That was beside the matter at hand, I was royally screwed and I had no means of protecting myself. It looked like I'd be punching and kicking my way out of this mess. "Little Deer. Are you awake?" I heard the voice close to my ear, softer then it had been moments before when he was talking to whoever. Natural instinct kicked in and I swung my arm out in the direction of the vocals, turning with the motion so as to see the face of my kidnapper. 

Nothing but air. He was quick and had dodged my chaotically thrown fist, which surprised me once I got a good look at him. He was old, as in wrinkly and welding a cane old. But he looked distinguished and proper, straight backed and with one bushy eyebrow raised in curiosity. His hair, which I imagine had kept it's original color, was dark and slicked back. His face narrow with a pointed nose and a no nonsense look seemed to be permanently plastered while his dark eyes held wisdom and dare I say a dash of humor. "Now now Little Deer, there is no need for violence. You are safe. For now." He offered me a hand, which I stared at for a moment before turning to glare up at his wrinkly old man face.

"Where the hell am I? And who the fuck are you?" I managed to growl out though fear caused my belly to do continual flips and swan dives. My first instinct was to look for an exit route, surely I could out run this guy. Hell, all I had to do was push him over and I'd be golden. Life alert can take care of the bastard while I once more gained my freedom. 

"No need for swearing. You are currently interlocked somewhere between Hell and Earth, so no use looking for an exit because there is none." He pulled his hand back and re-positioned his cane  in front of him, laying booth hands lazily on the handle. He must have seen the way my eyes darted to the walls seeking out a door or window, and he was right, there was nothing. "As for who I am. I am the one they call Death. And you, are my new pet. I figured it was time and the little fellow  I had keeping me company before made a horrid mistake and tried to find a way out. Poor bastard. Either way Little Deer, you're mine now. So, welcome home I guess." He shrugged slightly and turned, walking briskly back the room he had just come from. 

Death? His pet? What the hell had I gotten myself into?

Prompt: Death is lonely and is looking into getting a pet to cheer him up. He chooses you.

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