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            “Em, fix T’s gun and give him yours so he can help me out with these guys,” Bruce ordered amidst gunfire.

            I rolled to the flipped table to switch weapons with Tristan, “Here you go,” I grunted as I shoved him toward the window where all of the gunfire was. I analyzed the gun and started to fix it, “You know, you would be more accurate and wouldn’t need to fix this problem as often if you knew how to take care of your weapon,” I grunted, as I worked the rifle until I heard the ‘I’m fixed’ click.

            “I know how to take care of the damn thing Southers,” Tristan replied, using my last name, “but in case you hadn’t noticed, we’re kind of in the middle of a fight right now.” He quickly ducked behind the window to avoid the shots being fired.

            “I realize we’re in the middle of a fight, T,” I replied, reaching for some ammunition, “but you don’t see me jamming any of my guns during these skirmishes.”

            “She’s right you know,” Bruce took my side as he leaned against the wall and I tossed him some more rounds, “I need you up top,” he nodded to me, “You and your cutlery collection can help us out with the two snipers on the other side over there.” He pointed to the two sad excuse for snipers on the roof and balcony of the building across the field.

            “Consider it done,” I smirked. I then thought of something, “hold up. I remember seeing a sniper rifle on the roof of this building as Rex dropped me off here.”

            “Great idea! Just get it done so we can get out of here!” Bruce sighed loudly as he ducked away from more bullets.

            “You couldn’t have remembered that earlier when you crash landed here?” T asked motioning to me for more ammo.

            I chucked something that resembled ammo, “You just need to get used to his landings. He grows on you.” I quickly hopped up and went to the rafters to get access to the answer to our way out of this ridiculous situation. Once out on the roof, I took a deep breath of fresh air and found the discarded rifle. “Damn,” I sighed to myself, “empty!” I searched around the roof and found what I was looking for. Loading the weapon, I looked around and noted everything around me. There wasn’t much special about the place. Just your average, everyday ghost town that I used to call home. It now mostly consisted of abandoned buildings, cobble stone strewn everywhere, dust trying to settle on everything, but not really getting a chance to. All in all, a grey eerie feeling about everything.

            Rolling over, I assessed the scene before me. There were three guys still alive on the ground, occupied with Bruce and Tristan, two guys laying on the ground that we had dispatched of earlier, and on top of the building across the way were two guys having a smoke while their rifles were on stands next to them. They obviously didn’t think us worth fighting, or else they would most likely have attempted to take us out.

            Lowering myself into position so as not to be noticed (though I’m not sure it would have mattered), I looked through the scope, waited until it was just right, and pulled the trigger. Silent and invisible, the shot took down both snipers. I rolled over and blinked up at the red sky, “Too easy,” I whispered too myself. Though, I’m sure they would have taken notice and taken us out if we had taken care of the other two guys on the ground who, frustrating enough, weren’t dead yet. One of my companions had taken another guy out while I was bringing down the snipers.

            I sighed and put the one who was farther away in my sights. His hiding spot was good, but he was foolish enough to leave his right side wide open. I rolled closer to the corner of the building and checked my sights again. He was occupied with my friends and didn’t notice me. Making sure he was well in my sights, I pulled the trigger once more and he was down for the count.

            The other guy wasn’t as easy, unfortunately. He managed to find a place that didn’t leave much exposed. This called for some different measures. I made my way to the back end of the building and tapped the wall three times. In no time at all, Rex, my dragon, was there, looking up at me with his big white eyes. “Okay Rexy,” I whispered to him, “I’ve got a job for you…”

            As I explained my plan, I slid to the ground and put the rifle in my bag of tricks and fished out Grimm, but at the nudge of Rex, I nodded and replaced it with Mini Grimm and put it in my pocket. Everything explained, I hopped on his back and Rex was up in the air. I wasn’t worried about being seen because Rex had a tendency to blend in with his surroundings, and seeing as I’m on him, I blend too.

            I waited until we were a little behind the well hidden enemy before I dropped and landed silently behind him, taking out Mini Grimm and, flicking the scythe like blade on, I grabbed him from behind, and cut his throat with one swift movement. I stood up and waved for my companions, “its done guys!” I yelled to them and made my way over, checking the bodies for things that we needed. I picked up a few harts and grams and pocketed them, “No Identities…” I sighed, looking at my friends.

            “That’s not surprising,” Bruce replied leaning next to me, “Not many of the fighting Allies actually carry identities with them in case they can be traced.”

            Tristan laughed behind Bruce, “Yet they carry harts and grams with them,” he was pocketing the currency himself and looking around, “We should get out of here before anyone else shows up.”

            “Where have we got to go?” I sat back and looked at T, “This place is destroyed!” I gestured over the emptiness of the place, “Our homes, our families. Do you know anyone who can take us up for the time being?”

            Bruce looked back at Tristan, “More importantly, do you know anyone who will take her up?” He gestured to me.

            Tristan was smiling behind his comm. device, “I’ve got someone in mind. Just worry about getting your dragons ready for flight.”

            “I don’t like that smile,” I shook my head, but smiled also, “Why does that scare me?”

            “Just get that anomaly of yours ready for travel,” T looked to me, “I’ll be getting an answer any minute now.”

            Bruce had summoned Lydon, his magnificent blue dragon with mean, green eyes, and started organizing what he needed for the trip, “Hopefully we can leave quickly. There’s going to be a scan of this place soon.”

            I had done the same with Rex, who somehow managed to land inside an abandoned building. I was guiding him out and letting him know what was going on when Tristan’s comm. beeped, “Well, Miss Southers, Mr. Rendall,” he smiled at the message; “We are headed to Skor.”



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