Murder in the Murder House

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"well then what you say?"Tate starred at you looking for any reaction but your face was emotionless as you inbraced him nodding."Ofcourse I will Tate"you smilled as the teen kissed you passionately happy by your answer spinning you around.You couldn't be any happier with a complete family you couldn't ask for more even if they wore dead you didn't care it was a Dead insane family."Hey Y/N I need to talk to you" the moment was ruined by your father booming voice Grunting you kissed Tate goodbye."Iam coming" you shouted as you gasped to find Hayden on your father a knife near to slicing."Let him go Hayden!" you shouted as the annoying female giggled sinisterly."calm down love bird we're justing having a chat"Hayden smirked as you frowned in this situation you couldn't do would loose your dad for sure."Hayden take me instead kill me instead" you begged coming closer as the bitch smilled victoriously."No Y/N run!" your dad shouted under his usual father instinct. If I die I'm gonna be with Tate."okay then you knew too much anyway" Hayden smirked jumping off as her nails dug into your wrist."Let her go!"Tate shouted out nowhere slicing into Hayden chest as blood poured out yet he was too late for the knife had dug into your stomach."Game over love bird" Hayden last mock echoed into you as you collapsed your vision blurring."Y/N it gonna be okay just close your eyes" you could feel a cold touch as a voice whispered into you as calm as could be."You crazy Y/N don't leave me!"the whisper has vanished your father desperate plea had no effect for you could see the darkness of your vision flooding your instincts.Was this how death was?A silent desert of black with no feeling no time just the ease of complete rest.

"Y/N wake up it over it all over" Tate smile flashed at you as you looked around the usual image was back as Tate cold dead eyed starred into your own."What happened?"you asked in faint whisper hanging onto Tate with the idea of protection."You died Y/N Hayden killed you" Tate said as tears started falling you couldn't believe but you got what you wanted saving your family but sacrificing your own soul."We can be together forever now" Tate squeezed your now freezing hand in compassion as you smilled.

This was going to be a start of a dead killing life.

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