Three For A Girl

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Finally. It's here. This took way longer to write than I thought. I had first planned to publish it, if not on, then close to the moment when "Escort" hit 250k. Yeah... that plan was reevaluated pretty quickly... This sucker is a long one, boasting a proud 27k words, and it came into being mostly over the spare moments I've been able to find during tired nights after work and busy weekends. Those two are the reasons why it's taken me this long to finish, and I truly apologize for the wait. I really hope it was worth it in the end.

It can probably be read as stand-alone if you haven't read the main story that it follows up on. There might be a few question marks, though, so I recommend that you read "Escort" first to get the full effect!

Huge thank you to Liza, my babe and best friend, who's dealt with me for the past 1,5 years now (can you believe it??), and continues to do so every day (out of her own free will *gasp*) <3 She provided invaluable insight and idea juggling for the writing of this. I love you so much, my Lizaboobits! I also need to give a big thanks to Clara for letting me borrow her absolutely adorable puppy, Juniper, for the special guest star role. She was perfectly well behaved and deserves extra belly rubs for this ^_^

(Just to be extra clear: this is not an mpreg!)

I really hope you enjoy the read! I'm looking forward to hearing what you think, so please do leave a comment if you can and I'll see you soon again! <3


Three for a Girl

Yet nothing is so radiant and so fair
As for souls childless, with desire sore-smitten,
To see the light of babes about the house.
                                                           - Euripides

'*' '*' '*' '*' '*' '*' '*' '*' '*' '*' '*' '*' '*' '*' '*' '*' '*' '*' '*' '*' '*'

An ear-splitting shriek startled Troye into hunching his shoulders. He reached up to cover one of his poor, abused ears with the hand that wasn't holding his glass of lemonade.

Perhaps he should have asked for something stronger.

He grimaced as his eyes followed the whirlwind of blonde hair when it whizzed passed him, narrowly missing him before continuing on.

Caspar was running around the house at breakneck speed, cutting passed his guests in tight corners and sharp turns, all in tune to the shrill screams of utter elation from his three year old nephew, who sat perched on his uncle's shoulders, tightly gripping his hair.

Vigilant eyes followed their dare-devil race with reasonable concern; there'd already been a moment of collectively drawn breath when Caspar's considerable height had had his nephew just barely missing the top of the doorframe by half an inch as they'd swept through into the kitchen, merrily unaware of how close they'd come to giving their game a tragic ending, while the ones who watched began weighing the pros of adult diapers.

"Watch it, Caspar!" the blonde girl beside Troye shouted after the whirlwind, rocking an infant in her arms. "He's perfectly okay with playing on ground level too!"

Theodora - or Theo, as she insisted on being called - was in L.A. with her family to visit her brother and to scout out some of the suburban, more family friendly neighborhoods. Her fiancé Andrew was a fairly successful entrepreneur who was used to travelling, and they had warmed to the States during shorter visits. Now, they were considering the potential of doing like Caspar and trying on life in California for a while, at least while the children were young and hadn't had time to become rooted yet in friends and school.

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