"...I love you all!"

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(Heather's POV)

"...Bye guys I Love you all!" I said ending my newest video and posting it. After that I went to find Zoe but she was taking getting down taking a showing. "Zoe it's 12:30 did you just get up?" I asked her "yes I just got up stop yelling!" he replied "WHY... Oh sorry did you have fun last night? ;)" I asked her "k I will go make you breakfast/Lunch... Go get ready I will go cook." I said to her. She left to go get ready. I make Eggs, Bacon, and Biscuits. We sat down and eat together. After that we went to the Den and watched Black Butler. I Love the UnderTaker! After two Episodes my phone rang I had see it all ready "Zoe I'm going to my room to take this. You can go ahead and watch it I will be right back." I said to her "K." she replied. I Answered it on the way to my room "Hello?" I asked "Heather?" Rebecca asked into the phone. "Yes hey what up?" I asked her "Well a friend of mine from England just asked if I had some where for he's son and he's son's friend to stay." he said "Ok?" I said to her "well there named are Phil and Dan." he said to me "WHAT?" I screamed "Really stay with me and Zoe!" I asked

I expected to hear a haha fould you but no this is what I head "Yes Heather I know what you are thinking but yes." she said "Yes.. YES THEY CAN STAY WITH US!!!!" I said "Ok... Ok Heather my ears!" she replied "Sorry but yes they can stay with us when are they coming?" I asked her "In two weeks and there staying for two months "WHAT (sorry) that's not a lot of time you know" I told her "k Heather I'm going to go tell them you said yes." he said to me "k bye see you later Rebecca!" I said then hung up "ZOE!" I screamed at her "WHAT?" he said back "SOME ONE IS COMING IN TWO WEEKS." I said to her "WHO?" she asked "DAN AND PHIL!" I said to her "WHAT!" she said running in to my room "Yes Dan and Phil like DanIsNotOnFire & AmazingPhil!" I said "Really? Heather don't lie to me about this!" she said "I'm not lying there really coming in two weeks!" I answered her "really! Yes! Yes! Yes!" she said "Zoe ... Zoe!" I said to her "Yes Heather?" she answered "Zoe we have to clean the house and have two rooms for them and..." but Zoe entrupted me "Heather we can do what that all don't stress out!" She said to me "ok thanks ZoZo I need to lay down. My head is spinning." I said then passed out

I'm in love with a Lion (A AmazingPhil and DanIsNotOnFire Love story)Where stories live. Discover now