Where to now?

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It's been about 2 months since  I saw Bill, and texted me, I love you. That night, was the best night I ever had. I'm still not so sure if I really love him yet.

Their tour should be over by now. Bill said that he would come visit before they leave back to Germany. I have a feeling he won't. *sigh.....*

I do my normal routine for school, as always with Ebony. I feel, sad. Maybe because I won't see Bill again? I don't know.....

We walk down to the bus stop where we meet up with Ana. 

"Jackie, what's wrong?" Ana asks

"Yea, you seem weird.. Are you okay?"

"yea, i'll be fine.."

The girls knew something was wrong. Of course they have to worry about me, which makes them feel sad...

"Well listen, I was texting with Tom this morning and he said he has a surprise for all of us at lunch today. He didn't say what it was though."

Maybe  they would show up? I don't know that is the only thing I could think of. But I kept that thought to myself. Basically, today I will keep to  myself.....




Ah, lunchtime. The time I loved to spend with my girls.The time, now where the surprise is going to happen..~~

Well, lunch is almost over.. I guess Tom was just joking.

As we are about to leave, the Principal makes an announcement.. "attention students, please make your way to the auditorium."

Everybody starts running down. Ebony, Ana and I are the last ones to enter the room. The principal tells Ebony and Ana to go backstage. I have to sit in the front of the stage. Once I sit down, everybody hears Ebony and Ana scream. It was out of excitement. They screamed the same way when we were going to the concert.

The curtains draw back. All I see is a microphone and the piano. The people next to me cover my eyes. I can only hear someone playing a few notes on the piano, and someone checking the mic. Seconds later, they move their hands and I see.......... Bill and Tom. 

I smiled like crazy. I tried not to scream. Some tears went down my face.

Then Bill said, "This song, is for a very special girl. Jackie."

I blush hard. I look right into his eyes, just like at the concert, as he is singing, Zoom. I don't really understand what he is singing, but he makes it so sexy.

When the song is over, I walk up on stage giving Bill a big hug and kiss. Everyone starts 'awwws'. Ebony, Ana and Georg walk out on stage.

Then, the bell rings. Everybody is running out like rats. I look into Bills eyes and walk away slowly from him. I turn around to see the principal behind me. He says, "I will let the boys stay with you girls the rest of the day. But only today."

"wow, thank you."

"you're welcome. Now get to class before you are all late."

We all run down the stairs. We grab our backpacks and head off to German class. I don't know how i'm going to focus since Bill is here with me.

When we sit down in German class, Bill doesn't like the look of the teacher. When she starts teaching us, Bill whispers to me, "she is pronouncing almost everything wrong."

I whisper back, "I know. Ebony says the same thing to me but the teacher doesn't listen to her. Which is stupid since Ebony is from Germany."

"What a dumb teacher."

A pain in our world. [Kaulitz twins fan fiction]Where stories live. Discover now