Part 5

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This is important, there will be gore in the flashback. If you do not like gore, please skip over the flashback. But I believe the flashback it very important to the story. I warned you. Hope you like this. And sorry for the super late update.. :(

Jennifer apologized many times. She helped me with my writing, apparently it was, as she put it, imperative that I know how to write properly. I liked it but my injured hand would often bleed from writing so much. The pain started to become noticeable to me. It felt like a constant stinging sensation that continued to get worse. My hand started to ache and she started to notice blood dripping on the paper. My head started to pound and I felt heavy. She grabbed my shoulders to steady me and I looked at her with my red eye, she looked at me with worry. "Let's take a break Ace. You need to rest."

I nodded in agreement and she helped me sit on the couch in the library. We sat and read some books. It seemed that even though I couldn't see well, I could read perfectly fine. As if it was normal for me to read with one eye. I had gotten better at writing over the week since the knife incident, and she was still apologizing for my cuts. It was strange, at first it was like it wasn't there, I barely even noticed the blood, but now that we have been writing more often, it is bleeding more and it hurts. Jennifer had to explain the concept of pain though.

I looked up after hearing the library door shut, and guess who was there! Max, the brunette with slicked back hair in the back and messy yet organized bangs, even though he was tall, he was still but a child. He looked over to me and asked with a sneer, "hey brat, how's the hand of yours doing? You better not be putting work on my sister by having her take care of it!" I really do not understand him. Was he just trying to be kind while keeping up his bad boy act? I looked at him in confusion and replied politely, "Miss Jennifer is taking care of me well, and she is teaching me. It is as you say, fun, you do not need to worry for either of our sakes, Max." Though...I'm not sure he liked that answer completely. He glared at me and left the library. I didn't get it...I had tried to be nice to him...

Later that evening, Jennifer and I had gotten it to where I could write properly without my hand bleeding on the paper. She was happy, and excited? I believe that is what she referred to them as. She had to explain the meanings to me. "Ace, what meanings of words and phrases do you understand that involve emotions?" "I understand the feeling of sadness, numbness, happiness, anger, and fun. But isn't happy and fun, the same?" "Aren't." She corrected my wording. Apparently I also needed to talk correctly too. "Yes, they are the same, if you are having the correct fun. But there are some who have fun when angry or numb so that they can become 'happy' but it not the same kind of fun." I look away from her, understanding that fun.


"Get him out here!! It is time for his daily 'medicine' heheh" a dark and gruff voice echoed around the facility. Two men in dark clothing with white masks and gloves picked me up from my dark holding cell, they dragged me through a hall of blinding lights and put me in a room with less bright lights. I let my eyes adjust, though I was still tired and my eyes didn't open completely from fatigue. "Ah, hello again number 49826, how was your rest?" The gruff voice came again, a face came into view, he too had a mask and gloves, but instead of a dark uniform, he had on a white uniform. All this brightness was hurting my eyes. I tried to close my eyes to shield them from the blinding light, but the man had another idea... He grabbed my arms and legs and had them held down with blood crusted leather straps. My eyes shot open and I soon regretted it. He strapped my head down and forced my eyes open, he got a syringe and injected a burning fluid in my arm, I screamed and felt my muscles go limp.

The pain was unbearable as I watched him with fear filled eyes, his grin seemed to grow under his white surgical mask. He pulled out a pair of bloody and rusty pliers, moving them in front of my face so I could see his next tool of torture. My eyes widened at the sight, I knew what was going to happen next, and with the 'medicine' he just injected me with, I knew it would be even more painful.

He inched them closer to my right eye and said in a psychotic voice, "Come now, this won't hurt, its going to be fun. Oh so much fun, don't you agree?!" He pushed the pliers on the outer edges of my eye and squeezed slightly, the pain increased tenfold, I could feel him pulling my eye out of its socket. My screams echoed around the room, I couldn't stand the pain and blacked out.

~end flashback~

Blood starts running from my patched eye..

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⏰ Last updated: May 25, 2016 ⏰

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