It was just that this Christmas went by and I had to start buying present's for the family. I had to grab a present for my cousin she is not hard to shop for since she is 4 she likes stuff like Peppa pig and My little pony. and she liked I mean liked for a reason Max and Ruby so I figured a Max and Ruby dvd would be perfect. I went to searched on Ebay but I could not trust what condition that dvds have. Christmas went by and I gave my cousin her dvd and she was happy with the dvd. On boxing day the family left me to babysit my cousin. I put on the dvd she watched episode 1 to 3 so far. When I was finishing my noodles I heard my cousin screaming when I went in to the living room I felt my heart in my throat. It had to be the most disturbing thing I saw. Max and Ruby were in complete darkness standing next to each other and they lost their mouths and noses. And their eyes were replaced with black holes. After calming my cousin telling her it is not real. Then she went to sleep. I wanted to watch it on my computer I plugged in my ear buds so she wouldn't have to hear anything. The first thing I saw was Max and Ruby playing tag in the garden their parents watching them. It's such a shame the father siged. In the background I heard two people choking. Then I heard a scream. Max and Ruby in their Ruby's room whispering then their whispers becoming sobbing. Then I heard a angry voice that said Burn in Hell. And it was over and it showed the two rabbit's with the same image except it said Death is our only release.