Thirteen: 13. 06. 15.

79 3 0

Fun - Jimin

The music was booming, causing the walls to thud along with the bassline. The floor groaned with each beat, at the sheer number of people jumping and dancing on it. I was surprised that I managed to hear a harsh knock on the front door. Smiling at Yoongi, I danced over to open the door for the guest. "Hey! Namjoon!" I yelled over the heavy music.

He nodded at me, a strawberry lollipop sticking out of his mouth. Yoongi dragged Namjoon into the apartment, wrapping his arm over his shoulder. We walked further in, Namjoon high-fiving people as he passed. I accidentally brushed shoulders with Taehyung, who was reading a newspaper, or something random like that. He was random. He staggered back slightly with the impact. "Sorry, Tae,"

He murmured a reply under his breath, the scent of alcohol spreading around the room. He slumped and sat down ungracefully on the sofa next to Yoongi with blank eyes. It didn't even look like he was actually reading the printed words. Yoongi was smoking, fogging up the surroundings. The smell of the smoke coming out of the cigar was so bad, it was as if someone had put a piece of coal into my lungs, but it wasn't the odour that Namjoon made so familiar to me when he used to smoke cigarettes. In fact, I wasn't too sure what Yoongi was actually smoking, but I knew he was old enough to take care of himself, so I decided against bothering him, especially when he looked so happy. He often smiled down at Jungkook, who was on the floor, propping his back up on the side of the sofa, between Yoongi's legs. I could tell from that look that they were more than just roommates, which was what they claimed to be. Jungkook looked out of it too, but not in the same way as the rest of us here. I knew he had stayed sober tonight. We had made sure to keep someone innocent.

I pulled my sunglasses down from their resting position, tangled in my hair, to the expected position, shielding my eyes. The lights in here were too vibrantly coloured, and they made my vision blur every time they flashed. I spun around to the music, and I saw Jin recording. With that damn camcorder. Again. He looked so spaced out; maybe he had partied too hard. I chuckled at the thought of the eldest crashing. "This one's for you Jin!" I grinned, pulling a face for the camera.

The music was so loud that it made my skin tingle and my lungs feel like mush. The bass thumped in time with my heart beat as though they were one, filling me from head to toe with music. I liked this song. Over the roar of music, a distant, hazy chatter could be heard. I couldn't make out any words, but laughter rang in my ears and wouldn't seem to stop. The song that was playing got louder, pulling me in and wouldn't let go. I had no choice but to join the crowd, jumping in a huddled group like tic-tacs being shaken in a box. A tide of red solo cups, crisps, and empty wrappers littered the floor, and stepping on something was unavoidable and inevitable.

Hoseok weaved his way around the crowd skilfully, swiping a few empty cups off the floor, his smile wider than ever. What was he up to? I peered at him with suspicion as he knelt down, his hands overflowing with the already used cups. I had always been wary and watchful of what he was doing over the past month. He started to stack them up, so I sighed a little with relief. He wasn't going insane after all. I watched him in a trance as he positioned them one by one to form a pyramid shape. He gazed up at me with a dozy smile before stumbling over. "Wanna knock it down with me?" He giggled.

"Heck yeah!" I grinned back, my eyes fixed on his. I was scanning over his facial features. Although they still remained regrettably lax, and almost skeletal, there had been some improvement. At least now, when I hugged him, it wasn't just his bones that ribbed me, there was more of him. He had only gotten out of hospital recently, and I felt pressured to keep him well, since we still lived in the dorm.

He wrapped his arm over my shoulder, and I wrapped mine around his. It was sad to think that he was leaning on me for balance as much as friendship. I told him to bring his crutches for his ankle but he insisted that he didn't need them. He was trying to deny that he had never fallen, denying that he had never wanted to die. But he had.

We sized up the pyramid, as if we were knocking down fortified castle walls. We gave each other one last glance to reassure ourselves, and we sprinted. As in sprinting when drunk. So we ended up tumbling into the cups rather than punching through them. The cups flew in random directions, many hitting Taehyung, who grumbled at the unexpected attack of the cups. "Serves you right for being grumpy," Jin smirked, provoking Taehyung.

"Come here, I'll stop being grumpy," He said, his lips curling at the edges. He grasped Jin by the shirt, and shoved him roughly against the wall. Jin dropped his camcorder in shock and panic, trying to unlatch Taehyung's grip on him. It fell to the ground and I think the lens smashed. I reached forward to intervene, but Hoseok let his weak, seemingly lifeless hand drape around my arm, and that was enough to keep me back. Strength wasn't everything when it came to being reasonable. He'd always stick up for me in front of others, even when he knew I was wrong. Then privately he'd let me know what he really thought and how I should have behaved differently, who I should apologize to, how to avoid repeating the mistake. I listened to him because he listened to me. So I knew when he held me back that he needed me to let whatever was going to happen, happen.

Jin put up zero resistance. Taehyung pinned Jin to the wall too easily. I wondered if Jin half thought that it was a joke, some sort of hidden camera prank. It wasn't. Namjoon staggered over, nudging Taehyung's back, and pressing a spray paint can into his hand. Taehyung grinned and stuck out his tongue, while he shook the can. He snickered and sprayed a pitch black cross over Jin's contrasting simple white t-shirt. It stood out like a sore thumb. I groaned with annoyance. The night was ruined.

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