The Metal Knight

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I try my best not to laugh or even smile but I couldn't. Sympathy was directed towards me as it while the Sun Knight is trying his best to keep his calm smiling face. Ranting with horrible insults, the Metal Knight just continues and continues finally getting me to feel frustrated instead.

"If you want to insult someone, you can't when you keep calling them shiny!" I finally speak out getting my 'teacher' for today to stop and look at me with realization.

Oh. My. Gosh. He never realize that. He never knew that. He never...ugghhhhh. Now I know why exactly people say you lose your life every time you hear him talk. I really want to meet the first Metal Knight and give him a lecture about insults. Seriously!

"Then how do I insult people?" He asks crossing his arms all of a sudden feeling his insults are still good.

I sigh face palming myself,"Think of every horrible mean words right now. "

"Shiny. Sparkly. Glitter. Light. Pretty." He states continuing on getting me to look at him in disbelief and groan.

"Someone. Please. Save me." I beg before opening my eyes to sigh,"Thos are the opposite of horrible mean words!"

"Huh? Then what's your horrible mean words? Actually, insult Sun Knight right here and now!" He gestures to the still fake smiling blond man.

"I am not going to insult him." I reply back shaking my head while stepping back.

"It's fine. I am quite interested to have this pour tuning from the..." Before he could even continue with his very annoying speeches, I finally join in by insulting.

"Please shut your annoying mouth of yours cause you're giving us all a headache with talking nonsense. Do you know how much everyone wants to punch you right now cause all you ever speak of is 'Light that' then 'Light this'? It's truly annoying you should know but. But you don't because that stupid brain of yours which only contains how to annoy people can't proceed by that. It can't even tell you how to hold a sword properly and fight leaving you...useless." I instantly reply without stopping or taking a breathe to only get shocked faces from people around me.

Staring back at the shocked Sun Knight, I finally notice what I did and all my blood drains.

"Oh my gosh. I am so sorry. I did not mean any of those. It just that something came over me. Oh gosh. I am so sorry. Please forgive me." I try to apologize the best I can since I was panicking making me rush.

I can't believe I just did that. What have I done. Do I have to be such an idiot in times like this?!

That's when roars of laughter catches me off guard as the Metal Knights laughs cheerfully and loudly beside me. The same goes with a few other Knights that arrived at the scene as they cover their mouths from not laughing too much.

"I like this kid!" The Metal Knight points out wrapping his arm around my neck.

"Well, that might be the first good insult I've gotten." The Sun Knight tries his best to not strangle me with his fake smile again.

I can not believe I just got on the bad side of the LEADER of these Knights. Looks like I won't be living a life of...I don't know. But seems like I won't be living for a long time.


My eyes boringly watch as the Metal Knight fight against the Metal Squad. It's nearing the end of the day finally freeing me from hearing anymore 'insults'.

"Well? What do you think of my fighting skill?" He crosses his arms not having the sword while smirking.

As a habit, I shrug,"Eh. It's okay."

"Okay? I know that I'm not that great comparing to the Judgement Knight but I should be at least good. Not okay." He states pointing out.

"No. It's definitely an okay." I continue go disagree with him getting him to frown.

"Okay then. Face me. Wait. I don't want to hurt you though, since you know. You're a girl and all. " he points out getting a glare from me.

"You don't know that for sure." I snark back.

"I do. Hearing that you're not the real daughter of the previous Sun Knight, Neo. I can tell you're no swordsman or you'll probably be in the knight course instead." He states as I glare at him.

How dare he call me weak!

"How about this, we have a swords fight with each other. Whoever falls down or lands outside the area loses." I cross my arms.

"Fine. When you lose, you'll have to bake me those macaroons again and listen to me for a whole day." He orders.

"Okay. And if you lose, you'll have to...compliment everyone that passes you and can not insult anyone or anything for the whole day." I smirk back as he weighs them.

"Okay. Fine." He smirks back as I stand up and take a sword on the stand.

Inside the area as we face each other, we both get to a fighting stance. Without even counting, we know when to start. He attacks first but I easily dodged it. And that's when the competition starts with him attacking and I dodging. Without even noticing the people that have surround us to watch, I continue to dodge the frustrated and angry Metal Knight.

"Stop dodging!" He shouts.

Thinking it's about time I actually finally stopped dodging, I stop moving as the sword starts heading towards my face.

"Fiona!" I hear familiar voices shout getting me to smirk.

Taking my sword, I smacked it to his with a great force to get him to release it from his pain. Next, I take his flying sword and position both the swords to his neck. One behind and another at the front. His shocked faces stares back at my smirking one.

"I win."

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 02, 2016 ⏰

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