Chapter 2: that's it!!!

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Nialls p.o.v

I know it sounds creepy but I was admiring Kristy from my view in the front seat. Me, Kristy, and Harry were riding in one car while Faith, Louis, Liam, and Zayn were riding in another car. Man Kristy was beautiful! The way her ginger hair flows down her back and her hazel green eyes compliment her pail face. She was perfect and by the look on Harry's face he was thinking the same thing. I don't know why but all of the sudden I got a pang of jeoulusy from the way he was looking at her with pure lust and aww in his eyes. I would treat krist WAY better than Harry considering I wasn't a player like him. Harry would just toy with her heart and rip it to peices, and as cheesey as it may sound, it's true. Finally we pulled into the driveway of a HUGE house. 2 minutes after waiting in the car, Faith and the other lads arrived. We all got out of the cars grabbing luggage and walking in. When I say thes hous was gigantic I'd be underestimating it. The house even had an elevator! After we all found our rooms we orderd some pizza and pulled out a movie. "What movie do u guys wanna watch?" asked Kristy. "TOY STORY!!!" Liam yelled so loud the kids in Africa could probably hear him ( ok maybe I was exaggerating a little but he yelled pretty loud) me, Harry, Louis,and Zayn groaned."what's the matter?" Kristy asked with the cutest confused expression." Liam ALWAYS picks toy story when we watch movies!" Harry said before I could have responded. I gotta have a serious talk with this boy later on!"oh" Krist responded."shhhhh it's starting Liam stated annoyed that we were talking during the movie.Harry kept staring at Lristy and I got fed up with it." Harry can I talk to u in provide I asked through gritted teeth."sure" he said confused, once we got into the hallway I whisper yelled " what the hell!! U know I like Kristy!!Why r u staring at her like a sex toy!!" "Oh well u shouldn't worry mate she means nothing to me!!" That's it! Something in me snapped and that's when I did something I soon regretted...

%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% sorry it's short but it's 4:05am and I'm tired next chapter some time this week! Bye cookies🍪

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