Sakura Sensei

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Sakura sighed as she looked through her old anatomy text book skimming through it and wondering just how she was going to do this. She couldn't use her old text book, she was a book worm and loved studying so she had no problem working her way though this complicated book. But normal 12 year old wanna-be ninjas probably couldn't wrap their heads around things like the different veins and arteries of the body, the different parts of the brain, or the different parts of the small intestine; but she was having trouble bringing the information they needed down to their level without writing her own damn book. She moved her head as a pair of shorts went sailing passed as Naruto continued his energetic hunt for his lost frog coin pouch. In the end she decided to stay with Naruto this week. She could have went home to her mom, but she knew her mom would try and help her work this out, but she also knew herself well enough to know in the end she'd snap at her because her mom was still a civilian and while meaning well, couldn't possibly understand what had happened. So to avoid the problem altogether she stayed with Naruto. Though she was considering putting a little money aside and hiring a genin team to come over and clean up this sty one day while he was gone. If her apartment was bad, this was abysmal. She scooted a little to her right as some pants landed in the spot she had just vacated.

"Naruto seriously how could you loose your coin pouch, I thought you just had it yesterday?"

"I did! That's why this is so annoying!" She sighed closing the book to turn and look at him.

"Ok yesterday you went with me to the mini-mart and I bought a frozen pizza pocket and you bought a few things of cup ramen. We got back here and sat down to eat. Where was it then?"

"It was still in my jacket, I remember because I took my jacket off and it jingled."

"Ok, then you left your jacket there until you went to bed last night, I remember because I was cleaning the kitchen and told you to grab it, so you took it in your room then what?"

"Ok then I got dressed in my night cloths," he said as he shut his eyes trying to recall the night before. "Then I was thinking I was going out for ramen today and I was really happy and wanted to make sure I didn't forget my wallet so I..." His eyes popped open as if finally realizing something.

"...You?" He now looked sheepish as he rubbed the back of his head before muttering something. "Naruto," she said telling him he'd better tell her what he finally remembered.

"I put it under my pillow so I wouldn't forget," he said softly his face red in embarrassment and went to his room where she heard a jingle and he returned with the little bloated frog purse. She couldn't help the small smile that made it's way on her face at his embarrassment. "Ne, Sakura-chan, what do you seem so stressed about?" He made his way over to the couch and plopped down next to her.

"I'm trying to figure out what text books I need for classes, Tsunade wanted to know by the end of the week." He made a face when she said textbook but continued listening.

"So what's the problem?"

"I'm only teaching basic medical training, I never actually did basic, I started at a more advances level then most. So all the books I used are way too advanced for their age, I was thinking of going to the bookstore but even then I don't know how much info is too much and how much info isn't enough. It's been a while since I was that age, it's hard to remember what we already knew then." He stifled a snicker and she glared weakly at him.

"I'm sorry Sakura-chan, but you just sounded old." She hit his shoulder playfully. "Oh come on the way you said it made it sound like your 30 instead of 20."

"Sometimes it feels like it's been that long." Naruto looked like he was thinking hard trying to help her with her problem, even though she was pretty sure he had no idea how to. That was what she liked about her teammate, even if he had no idea how to help it wouldn't stop him from trying.

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