Chapters 10

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"Rise and Shine Ms Nompi" Maria said as she entered my room with some coffee. She opened the curtains by the balcony and the rising sun shone in my eyes. "No stop it Maria" I said. "You have an exam later today, please wake up" I sat up. "Maria you never wake me up with coffee, unless my mom instructs you to, and she only does that when she wants to apologise for something" She sat down on the edge of my bed. "Maria what's wrong?" I asked. She looked down, then back up, her eyes were teary. "I'm sorry Ms Nompi. What I said yesterday, you weren't supposed to hear it, I wasn't supposed to say it" "Maria gossiping about my mom is wrong. It worse that I don't even know what you were talking about" a tear fell from her eye. "I know Miss Nompi but I couldn't help it. I wish I could tell you but I will get fired and I can't afford that. You said your mom isn't high and mighty, that's true, but she loves you. And that man, she loves him too, sometimes I fear that she loves him more than you and Nkanyezi" I moved closer to her. "Maria, what are you not telling me?" "I raised you Nompilo, you and Nkanyezi. I've seen things I shouldn't have seen. Enjoy your coffee" she smiled and left the room. "What an apology" I said to myself

I got out of bed and collided with my father by the stairs. "Who are you?" I asked him. "Nompi, its me, your dad" he said. "Why did you leave us then? My dad would've stayed with us in sickness and health. He loved his daughters so much, but you, you've changed. You're just a money hungry vark" He took a step closer, I am your father, do not disrespect me" "I don't care who you are, you disrespected me when you left me! Now excuse me" I left him standing by the stairs. I returned the coffee mug and started the latte machine, I desperately needed one. My phone beeped with a message, it was Sinothando. "Dinner's tonight, your dress is still here, it smells horrible though but you'll manage. The driver will pick you up at 15h00, no questions asked. With love, Sinothando"

"Maybe it won't be so bad. Let me just go" I thought to myself. Just as I was on my way to my room, my parents exited theirs looking gorgeous. "Hawu kuyiwaphi?" "Sawubona nawe Nompilo, we don't report to you ndodakazi yami, we're old enough to leave and come back when we want" mother said. "But if you must know, your mother and I are going to look at venues" I had a bored look. "For?" "We're renewing our vows in a few weeks" I smiled, then it faded. "While you two are playing happy families, uNkanyezi has a piano recital tonight. Mama the teacher said you should pitch for once, I think its a good idea" "Nompil-" "woah, don't shout at me for your mistakes okay. Now excuse me I have to study" I shut the door in their faces and later felt guilty about it.

I instantly called Nkosinathi. "Hi Nkosi, do I really have to wear the dress in Sinothando's spa?" "Good Morning beautiful lady, why yes you have to wear the dress, I picked it out specially for you" "But why?" I asked. "Well I saw it while passing by a boutique and I just thought of you, I'm sure it might suit you" I smiled. "I hope you have good taste in dresses. See you tonight" "Enjoy your day beautiful lady"

I liked the way Nkosinathi spoke to me. He respected me, a lot. I was a queen to him. I sometimes dreamt of us ruling together in Swaziland, that made me smile but then thoughts of Sinothando would make me shiver. I kept on thinking about what Maria had said the day before, about my parents. Such things didn't sit well with me. I went into my parents room and straight to my father's closet. I started searching through his things, why didn't I recognise any of his clothes.

I heard footsteps and I slowly locked myself in the closet. Just as a closed the door a picture fell from a shoebox on the top shelf. It was a picture of my dad, and a man who looked just like him. "Is this photo shopped?" I asked myself, but the only person to answer that question was afraid of losing her job. I slowly crept out of the closet with the picture in my back pocket. I needed to study. I picked up a book and dropped it, this was hard. Maybe I needed some fresh air, or a latte or something to get me to stop thinking about that picture. I went straight to the pool. I loved being touched by cold water, it caressed me. I stood there for thirty seconds before I dived in.

Underwater all the memories of me and my dad came back, the good ones. It was like he never left, like he was sitting on the patio watching me swim and every time I jumped out he'd say, "yindodakazi yam leyo. You're beautiful my empress" that always made me feel special. But now it was like that man was gone, like he was dead. This new dad likes everything old dad hated and I don't understand why. But I guess people change. I got out of the pool and sat by the patio, just like old times. It was peaceful, and quiet. It was my happy place. I had an economics exam at 11h00 till 13h30 and I wasn't worried. I had studied all my subjects in advance, all I needed to do was summarise and these thoughts weren't allowing me to do so.

I put on my sunglasses, closed my eyes and tried to remember all the good times we had, they were the best. "For a Zulu woman, you sure have a beautiful body" a voice said. I looked up to see Andre and Maria. "I'm sorry Miss Nompi, he wanted to see you and he said it was urgent, I couldn't say no" she said. "Its okay Maria, no harm done" "Excuse me" Andre pulled a chair and sat next to me. "How's my Zulu princess?" "She's perfect" I whispered. He slowly removed the sunglasses. "But she has red eyes, I don't like that" "No I was just reminiscing about all those good moments with my dad, I couldn't help but cry. He's different now" Andre moved closer. "He's been gone for so long, you forgot how he would act when he saw you this old and beautiful. You're not his little girl anymore, remember that" He was right. I've grown now and Daddy's little empress was now Nkanyezi. But some things didn't add up. Why did Maria say she's seen things she shouldn't have seen, where is that coming from. "Uhm hello?" Andre said as he snapped me out of my thoughts. "I don't like it when my Zulu Queen is like this" "I know baby but this is giving me sleepless nights" "I thought it was the coffee. Speaking of coffee, wanna accompany me to buy that coffee machine after your exam?" He asked. I pouted, "I'm sorry my coloured King but I'm having dinner with the King of Swaziland" "Sounds exciting, what's it about?" "He wants me to accompany his youngest son to his matric dance" I said that without thinking. I didn't want Andre to know about Nkosinathi, he's smart enough to figure out what I'm doing, what game I'm playing, I didn't want that.

His facial expression changed instantly. "How long have you known about this" I felt really guilty now. "For a few days, I didn't take it seriously, but Nkosinathi does" Urgh again! What's going on, where is this verbal diarrhea coming from? "You know Prince Nkosinathi? Are you sure this dinner invite came from the King? Cause it could be from 'Nkosinathi' " he said his name in a voice like mine, I guess he was mocking me. "Andre listen, you don't have to act insecure and all. That isn't necessary" He looked at me surprisingly. "Isn't it? Maybe he's the reason why you've been stalling, he's why you don't want to be with me" "That's not true. I'm accompanying him to his matric dance and his accompanying me to mine, that's about it" He stoop up. "A night that is supposed to be shared with the one you love, have fun with the royals" and he left. I wasn't the one at fault here, well maybe I was, but just a bit. I guess Andre put the puzzles together quicker than I thought he would, he's really smart, and charming, very caring and angry. My phone beeped with a message, it was from school, it read:

"The grade 12 economics exam scheduled for 11h00 to 13h30 has been cancelled due to a mix up of exam papers. We shall notify you of your next exam date as soon as possible. We apologise for the inconvenience
-Everton College"

God had just saved me from failing. I wasn't confident enough about this exam. I called Nolwazi and asked her if she got the message. "Dude I'm literally dancing right now! That was supposed to be my last exam this week. I can finally go to Swaziland with Percy" "I'm happy for you my friend. You and baldy should enjoy your vacation, I'll call you later". I thought it was strange that Nolwazi and Percy were both going to Swaziland today but I was glad that they have their own agenda and so do I. I was so guilty after what happend with Andre so I wrote him a text message.

"I don't know what I did wrong apart from not telling you about Nkosinathi. Please stop ignoring me Andre it's irritating. You're acting like a Primary school child please get your act together, I miss you already"

I didn't expect him to reply instantly, he needed to cool off first. I called Sinothando and asked about the dress, "oh yea its still here, if you want it. You can always say no" "No I'm not going to give you that satisfaction Sinothando Tyl- I mean Sinothando" I bit my lip hoping she didn't hear anything. "Good. See you tonight" Tonight was going to be great! I never thought I'd ever whine and dine with the King and Queen of Swaziland. I was so excited.

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