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     William stared at the ceiling, towering above him. It was so high up. If he looked down a little he could see the sun out the window, but it was bright. Too bright for poor William. William felt very relaxed, all of his muscles without tension. He looked to his left at the silver door with no knob.  If he sat quiet enough he could hear little trickles of sound coming from the hallway behind it. He couldn't see in the hallway though. There wasn't a window for him to see through. The only thing poor William could do was think. Get lost in this thoughts. However, his thoughts were not always so kind to poor William. He closed his eyes and his mind drifted.

      William opened his eyes and looked ahead. There was a wall. It was a nice wall, freshly painted, with a painting on one side. Smack in the center of the wall was a door. The kind of door you'd see on the fancy house down the street from you. He looked down at it. This one had a pretty golden knob, so he reached his hand out in front of him and opened it. 

     A breeze hit his face as the room around him swirled, and then stopped. He looked around himself. He knew this place. There was a large desk in the centre of the room, a leather rolling chair behind it facing the wrong way, and several metal cabinets on the side of the room. The wall that the chair was facing was made of nothing but glass, and if William looked through it, he could see most of the town. He turned around at the sound of the door creaking open. A man, about six feet tall, with short brown hair, dark circled under his eyes, and heavy brows entered the room. It was William seven and a half years ago.

      "You wanted to speak with me Mr. Rozzaro?" Past William asked.

      The leather chair swivelled revealing a stout man in an expensive business suit sitting on it. He had white hair with a balding patch on the top of his head, wrinkles on his face, and large glasses upon his nose.

      "Yes Will, I do." Mr. Rozzaro replied, in his nasally voice.

      Past William stepped forward, until Mr. Rozzaro piped up.

      "No Will, this won't take long." He slid out of his chair, revealing his lack of height, and wobbled over to the side of his desk. "You see Will, we've noticed that you've been distracted lately, and that has been showing in your work."

      William took a step forward, as the past William wavered. "It's my sister you see. She's been dealing with depression, so I've had to help her out a bit. It won't happen anymore."

Mr. Rozzaro shook his head. "No Will, it's too late for that, the company's letting you go."

      "You- you can't do that. I need this job, my girls, my wife is pregnant, and we're already behind on our mortgage by three months. How are we going to pay for Emma to go to preschool?" Past William asked panicked. "Please let me keep my job!" he pleaded.

      "I'm sorry Will." Mr. Rozzaro concluded, then went and sat back in his chair, lighting a cigar.

William watched himself leave the room defeated, looking more dishevelled than he had when he entered.

      The room spun.

      William didn't like that memory. It made him upset. He breathed heavily, looking around at the padded walls. He tried standing up but he couldn't find the balance. Stupid coat. They made it so William couldn't use his arms. William didn't like that either. He decided he would try to relax again. Yes, that would make everything better.

      William opened his eyes again, this time the wall in front of him wasn't so nice. The paint on it was chipping all over, and there was no artwork pinned to it. There was however, another door. This one was the average door made of wood, but it was missing the top hinge. William pulled it open and went through.

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