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Hi My Name Is Zelda I Used To Live In A Big House Until My Dad Came.Well That's Another Story So I'm A Loner. (Aka The Name Of The Song Above) People On The Streets Like Me Just Get Stares From People Who Pass By Its Like Nobody Has Dignity To Give Spare Change.

The Reason My Name...... Wait it's    just my nickname for my hat its green but anyway my real name is Brooklyn Green Brown Stupid huh both the colors of poopie. (Gif: https://media1.giphy.com/media/LIxSs4CNNdabC/200w_d.gif) Well Until One Guy Came Up And Asked What I Had I RAN all I had was my iPhone food and macbook and normally go to a gas station near where i Set up my bedroom. My friend works there and let's me use WiFi.

And All The People who live on the streets like me just like me for my stuff and friends lots of people call me cheerful but I don't think I'm cheerful so it's hard to get jobs when your only 10 years old to it's a little hard nobody trust a 10 year old that's homeless so they think you'd trash there shop.

And jobs suck when you live in Springfield California it only has fast food and taco shops which
Only Pay About 55.99 a month which I have about 100.00 At the time for working but it took me 2 months to get it.

(Sorry it's so short oh and the link is for a gift that would go with the moment so I'll be updating whenever I can like after school but its Christmas break so I'll be updating a lot and that's it byyye chipanzzzs)

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