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I don't understand this school. Hang on let me start over hey my name is Noel I am an outcast. People are intimating and scary. I am so shy because sometimes I care what others think and it freaks me out.

Everyone at this school has a click or gang I don't know what they call it. I'm not in one. There is the popular kids of course. The wanna be populars that's what the populars call them. The geeks,the jocks,the nerds. You know basically like a high school movie.

I'm apart of the alone group I'm the only one in it. Okay it's almost time for class. As I leave the cafeteria all I can hear are whispers and then someone tried to trip me. I fell but I don't care if I get laughed at anymore so I walked off slowly. Then comes the hard part...class.

We get to class and the teacher says group projects I will assign partners. Oh brother you know what that means when teachers do that. Kelsey with Sam. Peter with Lucy. Hanna with Logan. Kaylee with Grace. Noel with Kyle.

She keeps going but I don't listen I just sit there frozen. Why you might ask? Kyle and I used to be friends then we both changed I turned shy and he turned into how do I put this nicely. He turned into Kyle.


I just wave my hand.

"I never understood why you don't talk anymore."

Umm I don't know.

"Woah the girl said something."

Okay let's get started.

"Okay you can do it for me just put my name on the paper."


"You heard me I don't wanna be kicked off the football team."

Why don't you do your work then?

"I just don't want to."

There is just one thing I forgot to tell you guys Kyle is my neighbor. I know what your thinking oh my gosh he's probably so annoying. Actually no we don't talk to each other. He always has cheerleaders over as a matter of fact a different one each week.

The only reason I know is because my brother is the same age as Kyle and they are best friends. It's just my 2 brothers. It's tough living with guys. My oldest brother is a junior in high school. I'm a sophomore. My little brother is in 7th grade.

Anyways back to school.

Why don't you help me we are neighbors Kyle.

"I have a girl coming over."

What is that the 4th one this week.

"Shut up Noel."

Whatever it's none of my business anyways.

"It really isn't."

Uh Kyle is almost as annoying as my oldest brother Jasper oh wait that's why they are best friends. Sorry that was mean. Schools out time to go home. Hopefully my brother remembers to get me. It's been 2 hours now since we have been out of school great he forgot.

Then there is Kyle just getting out of football practice. Oh great.

"Hey what are you still doing here?"

Jasper forgot me.

"Oh you need a ride home?"

Are you sure?

"No that's means I would have to go out of the way."


"It was sarcasm genius and I thought you were the smart one lets go."

Don't you have to wait for one of the cheerleaders?

"What cheerleader?"

You don't date one of them?

"No I broke up with Bethany."

So you guys lasted 3 days is that your longest relationship?

As a matter of fact yes.

Then we both started laughing. Next thing we know Bethany comes out and Kyle grabs my hand and we run.

Um you know I can run without you grabbing me.

"Yea but maybe then you will be faster."

Ha ha real funny.

"Man she's coming hop on my back so I can run like the wind."


I jump on his back and away we go to infinity and beyond. Sorry I had to add that in there. We get in the car and he drives away fast.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 23, 2015 ⏰

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