chapter 45

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I walk downstairs. Ethan took up the bags and followed me.I was walking to my house. Samantha called me.She said I must get in the house now.She sounded angry.I quickly went in.Samantha grabbed my hand and carried me to my room.I went in.I was surprised.My room and closet was refurnished. I got two new car(Audi and BMW).I got puppies.I hugged my bestie.My mom,dad,sister and bro surprised me.We had a family hug.I kissed mom and sis and hugged dad and bro.My pups were cute.I also got some baby animals such as tiger and cat.My family also made an animal shelter for homeless dogs and other animals.I was glad.My mom was surprised when she saw Ethan. I introduced my family to Ethan and Ethan to my family.I showed Ethan my room.He put down the bags.Then he went home. I called my sister and brother. I gave them presents.I grabbed my mom's hand and drag her to a couch.I made her sit down. I got some chewy vitamins. She love them.Then dad came beside her.

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