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   "Hurry up were late" Jake was the oldest in the group and that made him the automatic leader of the five but the others liked him for a leader, he was really smart and safe. They hurried through a hole in an old fence and into the old warehouse where the man was waiting. Nicky hated him to much to even think his name. He had found them working the streets and had threatened to have them drowned if they didn't join his ring. Each child was required to bring in fifteen dollars a day! That's a lot of money, the others in her group had been short but Nicky had enough extra to cover it. She hoped none of the other kids were short or no one would have diner tonight. They had already missed four meals she wasn't sure the kids could handle losing another one. The man was waiting quietly, Nicky was the mans favorite. She had a way of getting what she wanted even though she was only six people loved her. And she always brought extra. They had just handed the man their money and he was happy with the results but he began yelling and threatening the other kids for not bringing in the full amount. This one particular boy had only brought half the amount the man got his whip. Nicky had seen this happen a dozen times and it had always made her sick, well it wasn't going to happen today. As the man was about to strike Nicky stepped in front of the boy to protect him. "Nicky this has nothing to do with you, get out of the way" the man shouted. Nicky stood her ground "I'm warning you Nicky, you may be my favorite but I'm not afraid to take this whip to you just like anyone else. That's when they heard them.

  Everyone heard them at the same time, the unmistakable whistle of the police. They had to get out of there, and now! The man grabbed Nicky, "come with me he ordered," to the rest he yelled run! He was dragging Nicky next to him, he knew she brought in twice as much as the other kids and he was not about to lose her to the police and foster system, she belonged to him. They had gone under a bridge and down two blocks when they bashed into someone. The man loosened his grip for a split second and Nicky twisted her wrist out of his hand and ran back toward the bridge, he was chasing after her calling her name yelling threats and bribes. She was just emerging the other side of the bridge when all of the sudden he was standing right in front of her holding her best friend in front of him. She was four years older than Nicky and the only other girl in their group of five. Nicky heard the police coming and saw the fear in the mans eyes. "NO, STOP!" Nicky screamed "I'll do what ever you want." but it was too late the man had acted without thinking and now Nicky had one less friend because of it. The lifeless body slipped to the ground as the man dropped her and ran off toward the river. Nicky screamed and ran to her friend, she did not seam to notice the police all around her or the couple standing near the bridge that had seen the whole thing. They decided right then and there that this girl would never go through anything more in her life. They decided they were going to find a way to adopt this precious child.  

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