Kathy was running for her life and the guy that was after her was always following her foot steps and then she thought for a moment and she thought how her life would be if she died and then she got tired and stoped and then the guy swiped her by her hair. She woke up she was drenched in sweat. It was only a bad dream. She knew they were coming but why worry about that now? It's summer vacation. Then i went down stairs and ate breakfast and then I got my clothes on and got ready and stuff so all I thought about today was that dream and I took a walk and then after i called my friends and told them if they can come over and hang and they said yeah. So i told them about my dream and they thought it was horrible and so we talked about it. "That's horrible"my friend Emily said."I know they're coming for me and they will kill anyone who decides to get in the way." "When will it happen?" My friend Samantha asked me. "I don't know but it will be soon, I just know it.". "Enough of this lets get out and have some fun this summer!" Emily said.
The big explosion
ActionIt was summer again in Louisiana and Kathy was so ready to get out of highschool and enjoy her break but 3 days later there is a terrorist attack it was an explosion in the town and now Kathy had to get out there. But one guy in particular that was...